Lateral Transfer

The San Diego Police Department will accept applications from any individual who has any of the following experience:

  • Full-time paid sworn peace officer with a City Police, County Sheriff, State or Federal law enforcement agency
  • Currently working as a peace officer in California
  • Has prior police experience with a California law enforcement agency within the last year
  • Has completed a California P.O.S.T. certified police academy within the last year
  • Requirements 

Testing Waivers

Lateral applicants will be able to waive the Written Test. Lateral applicants will also be able to waive the PAT testing if they have been employed within the last year as a full-time Peace Officer AND possess a California Basic Peace Officers Course Certificate; OR California Basic P.O.S.T. Certificate; OR California Basic P.O.S.T. Requalification Certificate; OR California P.O.S.T. Basic Course Waiver letter dated within one year of applying.

PO2 (Lateral entry)

Individuals with more than two years of full-time paid sworn police officer experience may apply for PO2 status. Experience must include service with a law enforcement agency within the last year. Time served in a training capacity as a recruit/trainee as part of a Police Academy does NOT qualify for the experience requirement.

NOTE: Qualified out-of-state applicants who lack the required California P.O.S.T Certificate may apply. If hired, you may be required to attend a paid Police Academy to satisfy California state certification requirements. This certification is necessary to work as a police officer for the City of San Diego.

Apply Here - Police Officer II


Graduates of a California Law Enforcement academy within the last year as an open enrollment student or individuals with less than two years of full-time paid police experience (not including academy time) with a California law enforcement agency within the last year may apply for PO1.

Apply Here - Police Officer I

If you have any questions please contact

Background Office 619-531-2148

City of San Diego Personnel Department
1200 3rd Avenue, Suite 101A
San Diego, CA 92101-6467

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday - 8 a.m. to 5  p.m.
Phone: 619-236-6467