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Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)

IBA Staff Assignments

Charles Modica (Independent Budget Analyst)

  • Budget & Government Efficiency Committee
  • City Council (Closed and Open Sessions)
  • City Council Communications
  • Oversee Infrastructure Policy Issues
  • Oversee Budget and Financial Policy Issues
  • Annual Budget Process Lead
  • Ballot Fiscal Impacts Team
  • Department Operations
  • Media Contact/Coordination
  • Docket Planning with Director of Legislative Affairs (DLA)
  • Labor Issues/Labor Negotiations
  • San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS)
  • Proposition B Executive Group
  • “Crash Courses” on the Budget for the Public
  • Midway Rising (Lead)
  • Budget Guides for the Public

Jillian Andolina (Deputy Director)

  • Rules Committee
  • Ballot Fiscal Impacts Team
  • City Council Financial Training
  • Docket Planning with Director of Legislative Affairs (DLA)
  • Title VI Liaison
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • Boards and Commissions
    • Office of the City Clerk
    • Office of the City Attorney
    • Office of Race and Equity
    • Department of Finance
    • Mayor’s Office
    • Office of the IBA
    • Port of San Diego
    • City Council Offices
      • Council Administration
      • Council Community Projects, Programs & Services Funds (CPPS)

Lisa Byrne (Principal Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Budget & Government Efficiency Committee Support
  • Lead Coordination of Operating Budget Reports
  • Coordinating Annual “Crash Budget” Courses for the Public
  • Pension and Retiree Health
  • Labor Issues/Negotiations
  • Grand Jury Response Coordination and Follow-up
  • Disclosure Practices Working Group – back up
  • Prop B Issues
  • Lead: Monitoring, Review and Recommendation on Financial Policies and Budget Policies
  • City Wage-Related Policies (e.g. Minimum Wage, Earned Sick Leave, Prevailing Wage)
  • Hiring Process Working Group
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • SDCERS
    • Compliance Department
    • Risk Management
    • Personnel
    • Human Resources
    • General Fund and Risk Management Reserves (Public Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Long-Term Disability)
    • Backup: Overall General Fund Expenditure and Personnel Analyses including: Overtime, Salaries & Wages, Vacancies, Fringe Benefits, Non-Personnel Expenditures

Baku Patel (Senior Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Public Safety & Livable Neighborhoods Committee
  • Community and Neighborhood Services Committee
  • City Debt Financing Issues
  • Disclosure Practices Working Group
  • Infrastructure Financing Support (w/ Erin Noel)
  • Deferred Capital Bonds/Commercial Paper Issuances (w/ Erin Noel)
  • Labor Issues/Negotiations (backup, public safety)
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • Police
    • Fire-Rescue
    • Office of Emergency Services
    • Parks & Recreation
    • Library
    • Mission Bay Fund
    • Balboa Park Improvement Fund
    • Regional Park Improvement Fund
    • Commission on Police Practices
    • San Diego Convention Center

Jordan More (Principal Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Environment Committee
  • Independent Rate Oversight Committee (IROC)
  • Oversee & Monitor Independent Consultant Review of PUD Water Rates
  • Climate Action Plan
  • SDG&E Franchise Agreement
  • Community Choice Energy (CCE)
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • Public Utilities Department
    • Sustainability & Mobility Department
    • Environmental Services
    • Storm Water Department
    • General Services Department – Fleet Operations Division
    • Transportation Department
    • Revenues - Property Tax
      • ROPS items
    • Revenues – Franchise Fees

Erin Noel (Senior Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Active Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
  • Infrastructure Policy & Budget Issues
  • Lead on Capital Infrastructure Reports incl: Five-Year, Year-End, State of the CIP
  • CIPRAC – Advisory Member
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • Capital Improvement Program
    • Infrastructure Financing Support (w/ Baku Patel)
    • Deferred Capital Bonds/Commercial Paper Issuances (w/ Baku Patel)
    • Asset Management
    • Infrastructure Fund
    • Engineering & Capital Projects
    • Department of Strategic Capital Projects
    • Purchasing and Contracting
    • General Services Department – Facilities Division
    • Information Technology
    • Government Affairs
      • Federal and State Programs and Legislation

(Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Land Use and Housing Committee (lead)
  • Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
  • Civic Center Revitalization (w/Amy Li)
  • Policy/budget review for the following areas:
    • Development Services
    • City Planning
    • Department of Real Estate and Airport Management
      • Midway Sports Arena development
      • Lease and Concession Revenues
    • Citywide Program Expenditures
    • Economic Development 
      • Special Assessment Districts (MADs, BID,s CPDs, PBID)
      • HUD Consolidated Application: CDBG, ESG, HOME (w/ Amy Li)
      • Consolidated Plan Advisory Board Support (CPAB)
      • Revenues – Cannabis Business Taxes
  • Lead: Overall General Fund Expenditure and Personnel Analyses including: Overtime, Salaries & Wages, Vacancies, Fringe Benefits, Non-Personnel Expenditures

Amy Li (Fiscal & Policy Analyst)

  • Audit Committee
  • Audit Committee Member Recruitment
  • Land Use and Housing Committee (secondary)
  • Civic Center Revitalization (w/Ruixin Chen)
  • Regional Task Force on the Homeless
  • Policy/budget review for the following areas:
    • Homelessness Strategies and Solutions Department
    • San Diego Housing Commission
    • The following issues within Economic Development:
      • Bridge to Home
      • Affordable housing and Homelessness allocations – CDBG, ESG, HOME
      • Successor Agency meetings
    • Land Use Affordable Housing
      • Homes for All of Us (w/ Ruixin Chen)
    • City Auditor
      • Revenues - Sales Tax
      • Revenues - Transient Occupancy Tax
      • Infrastructure Fund
      • Arts and Culture (i.e. Penny for the Arts)
      • Tourism Marketing District (TMD)
        • Special Promotional Programs
        • Cultural Affairs
        • Special Events and Filming

Sergio Alcalde (Associate Fiscal & Analyst)

  • Community and Neighborhood Services Committee (secondary)
  • Provide Research and Analytical Support to Fiscal & Policy Analysts
  • Backup to IBA Confidential Executive Assistant (i.e. calendaring, phone calls, Onbase Reports, Memos, Assisting IBA (as-needed)
  • Office-Wide Support on Major Reports and Presentations: Multi-City Survey; Budget Reports, Best Practices; PowerPoints, Tables, Charts, etc.
  • Assist Deputy Director with IBA Office Budget
    • Track IBA Key Performance Indicators
  • Docket Planning with Director of Legislative Affairs
  • Council Staff Docket Briefing Coordination
  • Annual Updates to Budget and Infrastructure Citizens Guides
  • Coordination of various office team building activities
  • Monitor regional activities (e.g. SANDAG/MTS)
  • Public Records Request Liaison 
  • Policy/Budget Review for the following areas:
    • Communications Department
    • Performance and Analytics
    • Office of the City Treasurer
    • Office of the Chief Operating Officer / Office of Child & Youth Success
    • Ethics Commission 
    • Parks & Recreation (secondary)
    • Library (secondary)

Veronica M. Murillo (Confidential Executive Assistant to the IBA)

  • Primary Support to IBA
  • Scheduling Coordination
  • Council Staff Docket Briefing Coordination (backup)
  • IBA Weekly Assignment Tracking
  • IBA Report Distribution
  • Website Administration
  • Social Media Announcements/Advertising ( Twitter)
  • Official Office Correspondence Distribution (i.e. Memorandum, Reports, etc.)
  • OnBase City Council/Council Committee Item Intake & Routing
  • Virtual Platform Logistics (i.e. Zoom, Teams, Webinars)
  • Media Contact/Coordination
  • IBA Office Subpoenas
  • Yearly Accomplishments Tracking
  • Oversee and Monitor Office Training Requirements
  • Update to IBA Employee Handbook, as needed