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Public Library

California Collection

Postcard image of oranges and snow peak mountains
The California Collection contains over 5,000 books on California, with a primary focus on San Diego and Southern California. The collection also includes the Great Register for San Diego (1888-1892), the San Diego Transit Company records, a full run of the San Diego Union Newspaper dating back to 1868, vintage photographs and more.
Image of an illuminated page of a book of hours

San Diego Public Library Digital Archive

The SDPL Digital Archive allows you to explore unusual and rare items in the San Diego Public Library’s collection.
Cover of a San Diego City Directory

San Diego City Directories

Search the San Diego City Directories (1886-2021) in-person. They are located in the Special Collections at the Central Library; or view them online at:
Image of a stack of the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper

Newspaper Collection

The SDPL offers an array of historic local and state newspapers in hard copy and on microfilm.
Image of San Diego Map

Map Collection

SDPL’s map collection includes over 800 items with a primary emphasis on San Diego and Southern California (List of holdings). This includes Sanborn Maps and the PDF icon Smollar Map Collection.