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Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)

2008 Reports

Report No. 08-125

Report No. 08-125 - Attachment (11/9/07)
Continued Retention of Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP as City Disclosure Counsel

Report No. 08-124

Report No. 08-124 - Attachment A (12/16/08)
Disposition of City owned Real Property

Report No. 08-123

Report No. 08-123 - Attachment 1 (1/17/08)
Report No. 08-123 - Attachment 2 (11/10/08)
Review of FY 2010 Legislative Budget Process

Report No. 08-122

Report No. 08-122 - Attachment (12/18/08)
Appointment Process for New Public Audit Committee Members

Report No. 08-121

Agreement for As-Needed Storm Water Engineering and Consulting Services

Report No. 08-120

Information Related to Recommended Contracting Processes for Actuarial Services

Report No. 08-119

Mills Act Program Reforms and Cost Recovery Fees

Report No. 08-118

Report No. 08-118 - Attachment (11/17/08)
Recommended Actions on FY 2009 Budget Adjustment Proposal

Report No. 08-117

Report No. 08-117 - Attachment A (11/14/08)
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Plan Proposal

Report No. 08-116

Beach Area Neighborhood Prosecution Initiatives Fund

Report No. 08-115

Report No. 08-115 - Attachment 1 (11/14/08)
Report No. 08-115 - Attachment 2 (10/30/08)
Extension of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agreement

Report No. 08-114

Report No. 08-114 - Attachment 1 (11/10/08)
Report No. 08-114 - Attachment 2 (11/10/08)
Report No. 08-114 - Attachment 3 (11/10/08)
Preliminary IBA Review of Mayor's Proposed FY 2009 Budget Adjustments

Report No. 08-113

Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with AKT LLP for External Auditing Services

Report No. 08-112

2009 Water System Bonds

Report No. 08-111

State Water Resources Control Board Updating Resolution to Apply for Financial Assistance

Report No. 08-110

Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Code related to the City's Living Wage Ordinance

Report No. 08-109

Workforce Partnership Settlement

Report No. 08-108

Report No. 08-108 - Attachment 1 (9/22/08)
Report No. 08-108 - Attachment 2 (9/22/08)
Equal Opportunity Contracting Program - SCOPe Waivers

Report No. 08-107

FY 2009 Budget Status and Plan of Action

Report No. 08-106

Development Services Department Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Report No. 08-105

An Overview of Redevelopment Agency Debt

Report No. 08-104

Update on Proposed Municipal Water and Sewer Bonds

Report No. 08-103

Proposition A: San Diego County Regional Fire Protection Ballot Measure

Report No. 08-101

City Comptroller's FY 2008 Year-End Report

Report No. 08-100

Report No. 08-100 - Attachment (9/22/08)
State of California 2008-2009 Budget Impacts

Report No. 08-99

Amendments to the Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond Policy

Report No. 08-98

Report No. 08-98 - Attachment (9/18/08)
Equal Opportunity Contracting Program - Final SCOPe Recommendations/Bi-Annual Statistics

Report No. 08-97

City-Wide Parking Restrictions for Oversized, Non-Motorized, and Recreational Vehicles

Report No. 08-96

Compensation for Outside Auditors

Report No. 08-95

Update on "Amendments to the Managed Competition and Business Process Reengineering Ordinances"

Report No. 08-94

Library Department Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Report No. 08-93

Revised Council Policy 700-10, Disposition of City-owned Real Property

Report No. 08-92

Proposition 218 Noticing for Water Rate Increases Related to the County Water Authority Pass-Through and the Indirect Potable Reuse Demonstration Project

Report No. 08-91

Report No. 08-91 - Attachment 1 (9/03/08)
Report No. 08-91 - Attachment 2 (6/02/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "CCDC: What Does It Develop and With Whose Money?"

Report No. 08-90

Report No. 08-90 - Attachment 1 (9/02/08)
Report No. 08-90 - Attachment 2 (9/02/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "The Fire Next Time Will We Be Ready?"

Report No. 08-89

Report No. 08-89 - Attachment 1 (9/02/08)
Report No. 08-89 - Attachment 2 (9/02/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "San Diego City Attorney's Office"

Report No. 08-88

Report No. 08-88 - Attachment (8/19/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "Fox Canyon and Wightman Street: A Tale of Two City Parks in Extremis"

Report No. 08-88

Report No. 08-88 - Attachment (8/19/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "Fox Canyon and Wightman Street: A Tale of Two City Parks in Extremis"

Report No. 08-87

Report No. 08-87 - Attachment (8/19/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "A Warmer World - A Challenge and an Opportunity"

Report No. 08-86

Preliminary Statements of Work

Report No. 08-85

Ballot Proposition Amending the City Charter to Designate the Use of Lease Revenues from Mission Bay Park

Report No. 08-84

Implementing Proposition C: Appointing Two Outside Financial Experts to Serve on the Screening Committee

Report No. 08-83

Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriation Ordinance and Revisions to the City's Reserve Policy

Report No. 08-82

Community Planning Group Bylaws Updates Inconsistent with Council Policy 600-24

Report No. 08-81

Report No. 08-81 - Attachment (7/17/08)
Ballot Measure: Retirement Benefits Reform

Report No. 08-80

FY 2009 Statement of Budgetary Principles

Report No. 08-78

Report No. 08-78 - Attachment A (6/12/08)
Report No. 08-78 - Attachment B (7/18/08)
Council President Peters' Proposed Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding
Transient Occupancy Tax Allocations

Report No. 08-77

Report No. 08-77 - Attachment A (6/12/08)
Report No. 08-77 - Attachment B (3/18/08)
Action Items for Managed Competition and Business Process Reengineering

Report No. 08-76

Report No. 08-76 - Attachment (7/16/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "Waste Not, Want Not - Recycle Now!"

Report No. 08-75

Submitting to the Voters a Ballot Proposition Amending the City Charter to Designate the Use of Lease Revenues from Mission Bay Park

Report No. 08-74

Office of Homeland Security Business Process Reengineering Study

Report No. 08-73

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Business Process Reengineering Study

Report No. 08-72

Report No. 08-72 - Attachment (5/22/08)
The Waterfall (Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code Eliminating the Surplus Undistributed Earnings ["Waterfall"] Relating to the City Employees' Retirement System)

Report No. 08-71

Potential Charter Amendments on Mayor & Council Salary Setting

Report No. 08-70

Comments on the Comptroller's Internal Controls Status Report

Report No. 08-69

Report No. 08-69 - Attachment (6/30/08)
FY 2009 Statement of Budgetary Principles

Report No. 08-68

Report No. 08-68 - Attachment (6/25/08)
Grand Jury Report (4/16/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "San Diego City Development Services Department: Professionals in a Maze"

Report No. 08-67

Implementing Proposition C: Suggested Process for Appointing New Audit Committee

Report No. 08-66

Modernization of Elevators at the City Administration Building and Evan V. Jones Parking Facility

Report No. 08-64

Proposed Amendment to the Municipal Code Regarding Allocation of Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue

Report No. 08-63

Review of Fiscal Year 2008 Year-End Appropriation Adjustments

Report No. 08-62

Grants & Gifts Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Report No. 08-61

Report No. 08-61 - Attachment (5/30/08)
FY 2009 Budget Deliberations

Report No. 08-60

Report No. 08-60 - Attachment (6/5/08)
Protocols for Presenting Internal Audit Reports

Report No. 08-59

Fiscal Year 2009 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note

Report No. 08-58

Report No. 08-58 - Attachments (6/5/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "History Hysteria: Historical Resources in The City of San Diego"

Report No. 08-57

Recommended Revisions to the Fiscal Year 2009 Proposed Budget

Report No. 08-56

Amendment to Agreement with the Outside Auditor

Report No. 08-55

The Waterfall (Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code Eliminating the Surplus Undistributed Earnings ["Waterfall"] Relating to the City Employees' Retirement System)

Report No. 08-54

Report No. 08-54 - Attachment (5/16/08)
City Council Discussion of the FY 2009 Proposed Budget

Report No. 08-53

Report No. 08-53 - Attachment (5/20/08)
City Council Response to SEC Regarding First Annual Report of the Independent Consultant

Report No. 08-52

Police Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Report No. 08-51

Fire-Rescue Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Report No. 08-50

Report No. 08-50 - Attachment A (5/16/08)
Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2009 Budget

Report No. 08-49

Fiscal Year 2007/2008 Proposition 1B Funds

Report No. 08-48

Review of San Diego Housing Commission Fiscal Year 2009 Budget

Report No. 08-47

Water Department Business Process Re-Engineering

Report No. 08-46

Report No. 08-46 - Attachment (5/15/08)
Report on San Diego Fire-Rescue Needs and Funding Plan

Report No. 08-45

Report No. 08-45 - Attachment (5/5/08)
City Council Discussion of the FY 2009 Proposed Budget

Report No. 08-44

Report No. 08-44 - Attachment (5/8/08)
Discussion of Park and Recreation and Library Budgets as Proposed in the Mayor's Fiscal Year 2009 Proposed Budget

Report No. 08-43

Appropriation and Transfer of $5 million for the General Fund Appropriated Reserve

Report No. 08-42

Report No. 08-42 - Attachment A (2/11/08)
FY 2009 Community Development Block Grant & Social Services Programs

Report No. 08-41

Revised Page 45 (4/30/08)
Review of the Fiscal Year 2009 Proposed Budget

Report No. 08-40

Impasse Procedure

Report No. 08-39

Report No. 08-39 - Attachment (4/18/08)
Protocols for Presenting Internal Audit Reports

Report No. 08-38

Report No. 08-38 - Attachment (4/25/08)
Response to Grand Jury Report Titled "Water Conservation: Sober Up San Diego, The Water Party Is Over"

Report No. 08-37

Redevelopment Agency Organization and Structure

Report No. 08-36

Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for As-Needed Engineering Services

Report No. 08-35

Report No. 08-35 - Attachment A (1/19/06)
Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program

Report No. 08-34

Report No. 08-34 - Attachment (4/9/08)
City Council Transient Occupancy Tax Allocation Process

Report No. 08-33

FY 2008 Budget Adjustment for Office of Homeland Security (OHS)

Report No. 08-32

Report No. 08-32 - Attachment (4/7/08)
Retirement Package Design and Options for Consideration

Report No. 08-31

Report No. 08-31 - Attachment (4/22/08)
Update to Matrix of Policy Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2008

Report No. 08-30

General Fund Deferred Maintenance Capital Improvement Projects Financing

Report No. 08-29

Agreement with D-Max Engineering for Storm Water Inspections