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Ethics Commission

Meeting Agenda



Thursday, May 22, 2003
City Council Chambers (12th Floor)
202 C Street
San Diego, CA 92101

NOTE:The public portion of the meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m.
Closed Session will take place after the Regular Meeting.


Item 1: Call to Order.
Item 2:Roll Call.
Item 3: Random Drawing for the Audit of 2002 Election Cycle.
 Discussion and possible action regarding the random drawing for the 2002 audit cycle.
Item 4: Approval of Commission Minutes.
 Approval of Commission Minutes of March 27, 2003 and May 8, 2003.
Item 5: Non-Agenda Public Comment.
Item 6:Commissioner Comment.
 This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for Commissioners to make announcements or comments.
Item 7:Executive Director Comment.
 This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the Executive Director to make announcements or comments.
Item 8:Deputy City Attorney Comment.
 This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the Deputy City Attorney to make announcements or comments.
Item 9:Ad-Hoc Municipal Lobbying Ordinance Subcommittee.
 Discussion and possible action regarding the selection of an ad-hoc Lobbying Ordinance Subcommittee.
Item 10:Revisions to ECCO.
 Discussion by the Ethics Commission regarding proposed changes to the Election Campaign Control Ordinance [ECCO].
Item 11:Adjournment.


Item 1:Conference with Legal Counsel
 Anticipated Litigation. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(c) (4 potential matters.) The Ethics Commission may meet in closed session to consider initiating a formal investigation against a person or persons who are alleged to have violated local ethics laws. Should an investigation be authorized, the identity of the person or persons being investigated will be available upon request only if and after a Draft Administrative Complaint is issued. The nature and details of the allegations will be available upon request only if and after a Final Administrative Complaint is issued.
Item 2: Conference with Legal Counsel
 Anticipated Litigation. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(c). (1potential matters.) The Ethics Commission may meet in closed session to consider the settlement, dismissal, status of investigation, or issuance of a subpoena or Draft Administrative Complaint, with regard to an enforcement action against a person or persons alleged to have violated local governmental ethics laws. Should the filing of a Draft Administrative Complaint be authorized, the identity of the Respondent or Respondents will be available after a Draft Administrative Complaint is issued and the matter is noticed for discussion as pending litigation. The nature and details of the allegations will be available upon request only if and after a Final Administrative Complaint is issued.
ACCESS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: This information will be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request an agenda in an alternative format or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call the Ethics Commission (619/533-3476) at least five working days prior to the meeting to ensure availability. Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are available from the Ethics Commission Office prior to the meeting, and are to be returned at the end of the meeting.
COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Commission on items of interest within the jurisdiction of the Commission. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes per speaker. Submit requests to speak to the Commission prior to the start of meeting. Pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, the Commission on any issue brought forth under "Non-Agenda Comment" shall take no discussion or action, other than a referral.