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Environmental Services

Motor Oil and Oil Filters

Close up of used engine oil in a Plastic canisters at the garage

Used oil and oil filters require special handling!

CalRecycle Locations

CalRecycle encourages the recycling of used oil and oil filters at Used Oil Certified Collection Centers throughout the state.  

Find an oil recycling location

Note: Please don't mix your used oil with anything. Contaminated oil is not accepted at CalRecycle locations.

One-Day Collection Events

The City of San Diego offers eight (8) One Day Collection Events throughout the year beginning in the spring and again in the fall. Please check back later for spring 2024 event dates.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Transfer Facility

The City of San Diego accepts used oil and oil filters at its HHW Transfer Facility by appointment only.

Oil Filter Facts

(Source: CalRecycle)

  • Each year, the U.S. generates 425 million used automotive oil filters containing 18 million gallons of oil.
  • Recycling all the oil filters sold annually in the United States would result in the recovery of about 160,000 tons of steel, or enough steel, to make 16 new stadiums the size of Atlanta's Turner Stadium.
  • Used oil filters can contain more than 45% used motor oil in weight when removed from the vehicle.