Volume III: Capital Improvements Program
Capital Improvements Program Summary
Capital Budget Introduction (pp. 3-4)
Fiscal Year 2017 Adopted Budget Summary (pp. 5-24)
Profile of the City of San Diego's CIP (pp. 25-40)
Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Update (pp. 41-46)
Project Prioritization (pp. 47-58)
Project Types (pp. 59-62)
Funding Sources (pp. 63-68)
Community Planning (pp. 69-72)
Guide to the Capital Improvements Projects (pp. 73-78)
Capital Improvement Projects
Airports (pp. 81-88)
Citywide (pp. 89-102)
Environmental Services (pp. 103-120)
Fire-Rescue (pp. 121-152)
Library (pp. 153-172)
Park & Recreation (pp. 173-322)
Police (pp. 323-334)
Public Utilities (pp. 335-424)
Public Works - General Services (pp. 425-432)
QUALCOMM Stadium (pp. 433-440)
Transportation & Storm Water (pp. 441-570)
Glossary and Indexes
Glossary (pp. 573-576)
Index by Project Name (pp. 577-582)
Index by Project Number (pp. 583-588)