Fiscal Year 2013 Adopted Budget

- Introduction
- Volume I: Budget Overview and Schedules
- Volume II: Department Detail
- Volume III: Capital Improvements Program
A Message From Mayor Sanders
To My Fellow San Diegans,
The City's Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2013 represents a major achievement for the City of San Diego - closure of the City's longstanding structural budget deficit.
To accomplish this goal, the City has taken aggressive action over the past several years, including: streamlining the organization, instituting numerous cost-saving measures, and implementing necessary program and service cuts to ensure that projected revenues support current appropriation levels on an on-going basis.
For Fiscal Year 2013, current projections of revenues now equal expenditures related to current service levels, signifying an end to further service reductions, as well as the use of one-time funding for on-going obligations and reserve holidays.
I have worked closely with my management team to develop this balanced budget, which maintains our essential core services, fully funds the City's annual pension payment, provides funding for reserve contributions, and projects that the 8.0 percent goal for General Fund Reserves will not only be met, but exceeded. This budget also provides additional staffing and capital funding to address the backlog of deferred capital projects, restores library and recreation center hours, increases funding for Fire and Police Academies, and closes the projected General Fund budget deficit of $31.8 million.
The Fiscal Year 2013 Adopted General Fund Budget was balanced through a combination of cost savings such as Managed Competition, a lower-than-projected pension payment for Fiscal Year 2013, and stronger revenue growth. There are no additional service reductions in the Fiscal Year 2013 Adopted Budget.
The total adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2013 is $2.75 billion. This includes $1.16 billion for General Fund operations and $1.37 billion for operations of the City's Enterprise Funds and other City funds. Another $214.9 million is budgeted for capital improvement projects across the City. A complete copy of the budget is available on the City's website at
By eliminating the structural deficit, the City of San Diego has accomplished a fundamental goal of good government - learning to live within its means.
Jerry Sanders