Grant Funded Projects
San Diego Fire-Rescue's Community Risk Reduction Division has six main areas of focus; Education, Engineering, Enforcement, Economic Incentives, Emergency Response, and Empowerment. Pursuing economic incentives through grant opportunities is one way to help reduce risk to those we serve. These projects serve as an empowerment tool to proactively reduce risk by sharing our collective progress, real-time data, and performance based goals.
Community Risk Reduction Division
Education: An educated and well-trained workforce that teaches prevention and what to do in the event of a fire.
Engineering: Design and build structures that are safe from fire. Use the best building practices and the latest technology to resist or prevent great loss from fire and other emergencies.
Enforcement: While buildings are being designed and built, we ensure that the work is done in compliance with current codes and standards. Once construction is completed, fire and life safety codes should be followed and enforced.
Economic Incentives: With a focus on safety and hazard reduction, issue penalties and fines for non-compliance to encourage behavioral change. Supporting tax incentives and grant opportunities to reduce fire protection, building, and insurance costs.
Emergency Response: Assessment of community risk through an analysis of emergency response resources and hazards. This process ensures we are making the best use of resources aimed at reducing the impact of incidents in our community. We will be better prepared to understand where and what types of resources we will need in the future.
Empowerment: An environment of awareness and collaboration with our community to proactive reduce risk. Through outreach and information sharing, we can improve community relations and inspire a culture of safety. This is accomplished through sharing our collective progress, real-time data, and performance-based goals to address our community’s specific needs.
San Diego River Conservancy's Directed Grant Program
Grant Administrator: San Diego Fire-Rescue Foundation
Grantor: San Diego River Conservancy
Grant Award: $366,949.00
The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department (SDFD) will be leading a project to provide brush management, weed abatement, and fuel treatment in the San Diego River watershed under the authority of the City of San Diego. The project is aimed at conserving land, protecting resources, wildlife habitats, the San Diego watershed, and reducing fire risk.
Project Information
The proposed project includes an upgrade to battery-powered, cordless equipment and the replacement of gas-powered equipment for brush management and weed abatement for the San Diego Parks and Recreation Open Space Division. This will provide emissions-free solutions. San Diego Parks and Recreation Rangers will acquire an ATV for scouting challenging areas.
San Diego Fire is acquiring approximately 4,000 gallons of eco-friendly fire inhibitor and fuel treatment, backpack sprayers and a Ford F250. This is to help safeguard and protect evacuation corridors and vulnerable communities. It provides protection for critical city services such as fire stations and other city facilities. Fuel breaks will also be created, maintained and tracked through a GIS grant mapping tool for the duration of the project.
Click here to learn more about the EPA Approved Eco-Friendly Fuel Treatment.
GPS tracking allows for progress monitoring to ensure efficient treatment and prevent overuse. Progress will be shared publicly through an ArcGIS mapping tool on the Fire-Rescue website. It will involve a self-assessment tool to improve defensible space compliance through education on defensible space requirements, brush management, and home hardening options.
Click here to open the map below in a new tab.
Regional Resilience Grant
Grant Administrator: County of San Diego
Grantor: Office of Planning and Research
Grant Award: $1,588,838.00
This is a regional collaboration between San Diego County Fire, the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, and the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County. The project also includes cooperation with eight other fire agencies, two California Native American Tribes, and 46 community Fire Safe Councils throughout the region. The project's activities, as outlined below, will target disadvantaged communities with high fire risk.
Provide equitable public education and community engagement
San Diego Fire-Rescue will help Fire Safe Councils with developing or updating Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs); the CWPPs will incorporate evacuation planning and meaningful fuels projects to make communities safer from wildfire. SDFD will attend community outreach events to engage residents and offer emergency preparedness training and education, such as Wildland Urban Interface and Last Chance Survival workshops.
Assist residents with maintaining defensible space
SDFD will partner with the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County to offer free community chipping events to help residents create and/or maintain defensible space around their homes. Community members will bring the trimmed material to a central processing location, where it is chipped into mulch and transported to local farms for soil health and carbon sequestration.
Reduce the chance of a roadside fire start and protect evacuation corridors for safe evacuation
San Diego Fire-Rescue has identified 32.24 miles of roadways within the city serving as evacuation corridors for roadside vegetation management. The vegetation management will provide 10 feet of clearance on either side of the road for the purpose of preventing a roadside fire start and maintaining evacuation corridor safety.
Completed Projects
Roadside Clearance Projects
Work Initiated: 11/15/2024
Work Completed: 12/16/2024
Road Name: Highland Valley Rd.
Road Miles: 13.47
Jurisdictions Included: San Diego City, San Diego County, Poway, Escondido