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Picturesque San Diego

Picturesque San Diego

Title         Picturesque San Diego with Historical and Descriptive Notes

Author    Douglas Gunn


Publication Information    Chicago: Knight & Leonard Co., Printers. 1887

Note by the Author   

During the author's proprietorship of the ''San Diego Union," for nearly eighteen years, it was his custom to present an annual review of the progress of City and County. In later years a demand arose for these reviews in convenient pamphlet form, for mailing; and, as the demand increased, the scope of the work was enlarged. In 1885 the pamphlet was published under the title of "SAN DIEGO," and more than twenty thousand copies were called for. In 1886 the work was carefully revised, with much additional matter, and four editions were published, more than thirty-five thousand copies having been demanded by the public. In the present year the writer has been strongly urged to prepare a new edition, embracing the remarkable facts of our recent development, and to publish it in illustrated form. The illustrations (so called) hitherto published have been gross caricatures, and he determined, if he should attempt to undertake such work at all, that it should be well done. Accordingly a contract was made with the American Photogravure Company, of Chicago, and Mr. Herve Friend, one of the ablest photographic artists in the country, was engaged to take a series of views throughout the County. Accompanied by the author, Mr. Friend took the field early in March, and together they covered over fifteen hundred miles of travel, securing views of the most characteristic features of the great "back country" of San Diego. A series of City and neighborhood views were also taken by Mr. Friend, the whole number, County and City, being over one hundred. Of these, seventy-two of the most characteristic were selected for the present work, and photogravures made from them. It is believed that no work of so expensive a character, illustrative of a section, has hitherto been published. The edition has been limited to one thousand copies, and the price fixed at ten dollars per copy, barely covering the cost. A cheaper edition, in pamphlet form, illustrated with wood engravings of the finest kind, will hereafter be issued, and this book (entitled "SAN DIEGO ILLUSTRATED") will be sold for one dollar. The writer leaves his work to the judgment of the public.

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