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Dennise V. Allen

Dennis V. Allen

Without question the most controversial--but also one of the most effective and durable--leaders of the San Diego NAACP was Dennis V. Allen (1883-1967). Born in Eatonton, Georgia, he lived in Los Angles before coming to San Diego in 1912 where he was a career mailman. His first significant gesture as a civil rights advocate was in 1920 when he asked Mayor Louis J. Wilde to hire blacks in the Fire Department. A founding member of the San Diego NAACP, he was branch president from 1924 to 1929. During his tenure the branch won its appeal to city leaders to have signs barring blacks removed for stores, theaters, and restaurants; lobbied Mexican officials to have such signs removed in Tijuana; won admission of black females into the nurse training program at San Diego County Hospital; and fought until homeless and abandoned black youths were allowed admission into the Children’s Welfare Home. Today Dennis V. Allen Park, south of I- 94 at Boundary and F streets, honors his memory.


1. Historical Documents:

2. Additional resource:

For Elementary School Students (First-Third Grade):


    1.  Analyze a Photograph          2.  Analyze a Document

Lesson Objects:

Students will learn about Dennis V. Allen, a leader in the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and his contributions to civil rights. They will understand the importance of equality and fairness for all people.

Lesson Preparation:

  • Picture of Dennis V. Allen (San Diego History Center)
  • Civic Activity Records of Dennis V. Allen (see above)
  • Documents and videos about Dennis V. Allen's contributions to San Diego (see above)
  • "Analyze a Document" worksheet (see above)

Lesson Procedure:

  • Step 1: Introduction

    - Begin by asking students if they know what fairness and equality mean. Discuss their responses.
    - Introduce Dennis V. Allen as a leader who worked to make sure everyone was treated fairly and equally.
    - Show a picture of Dennis V. Allen and briefly discuss his background and his role in the NAACP.

  • Step 2: Discussion

    - Read a picture book about civil rights, such as "Martin Luther King, Jr." or "Child of the Civil Rights Movement," etc.
    - Discuss some of the issues that Dennis V. Allen and the NAACP fought against, such as segregation and discrimination.
    - Emphasize the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their skin color.
    - Engage students in a discussion about what they can do to promote fairness and equality in their own lives and communities.

  • Step 3: Activity

    - Divide the students into small groups.
    - Provide each group with a piece of poster board or large paper.
    - Students are encouraged to choose one of two themes:

  1. Write letters or create artwork expressing gratitude to Dennis V. Allen and other civil rights leaders for their courage and dedication.
  2. Explore other civil rights leaders and their contributions to social justice, such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks.

    - Circulate among the groups to offer guidance and support as needed.

  • Step 4: Group Presentations 

    - Have each group present their poster or findings to the class.
    - Encourage students to share what they've learned about Dennis V. Allen and the importance of fairness and equality.


By highlighting Dennis V. Allen's efforts and contributions to advancing civil rights in this lesson, to instill a sense of equality and fairness in the minds of students. Emphasize the value of treating everyone with kindness and respect and stand up for what is right. Reinforce that even young children can make a difference by being kind to others and speaking out against injustice.