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Development Services

How to Obtain an Address Change

This Information Bulletin covers procedures for obtaining an address change. The property owner or authorized agent must submit requests using an Address Change Request and include an addressing diagram.   

If a Building Permit or a Tenant Improvement Permit has been submitted to the Development Services Department, addresses will be assigned during the plan check process. 

For clarification of the process, please call 619-446-5096 or email the Addressing Coordinator.

Street Address Numbering
Addresses ending in “00” are not issued. They are for City of San Diego official use only.

I. Application of Address Change

The request shall be digitally submitted to the Development Services Department and include:

  1. The legal description of the property, including lot, block, subdivision name and map number, or parcel number and map number, which can be found on the property tax bill.
  2. Tax Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), which can also be found on the property tax bill. If a new subdivision or parcel map is being filed, be sure to provide the APN’s for the new parcels.
  3. Address(es) currently being used for buildings, suites and/or units.
  4. A brief explanation of the request.
  5. Contact information, including name, address, telephone number and email.
  6. Building permit number if the permit has been recently issued, including plan file number.

II. Addressing Diagram

Plot plan samples for various types of requests are shown below. The site plan shall be one page and include:

  1. Existing buildings and their current addresses, including suite and unit numbers, if any.
  2. Address(es) of adjacent lots. This information must be included even if an adjacent lot is on the other side of a cross street.
  3. Location of front doors or main entrances.
  4. Proposed buildings, if any.
  5. All property lines.
  6. “North” arrow.
  7. Streets and nearest cross streets.
Sample Site Plan

III. Notification

The Address Coordinator will review the request and determine if the request meets addressing requirements. Notification of the results will be sent by email.

IV. Fees

The address change fee is $507.00 per address change. There shall be no refund for work performed in processing an address change for a request that results in denial of the address change.

V. Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin

This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.