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Development Services

Grading/Public Right-of-Way Permits and Mapping Actions

I. When Fees are Paid

The fees associated with Grading/Right-of-Way Permits and Mapping actions may be collected during different points of the permitting process: at project submittal, during the review, at permit issuance and during the inspection. There are also enhanced/optional services for which fees are collected. The following sections of this fee bulletin describe what fees are collected and when in the process they are collected. 

The Development Services Department (DSD) offers online payments for your convenience. Payment may also be made in person by cash, check, debit card, or Visa or Mastercard credit cards. Checks shall be in the exact amount, drawn on U.S. banks, and made payable to the “City Treasurer.” Please review the system-generated invoice for actual values prior to issuing any payment to DSD. 

Plan check fees and some administrative fees are non-refundable. For additional refund information, See the Refund Policy noted within Refund Application Form DS-721.  

II. Plan Review Fees

  1. Minor Public Right-of-Way Permits 
    These fees apply to minor Public Right-of-Way Permits that qualify for a rapid review process per Information Bulletin (IB) 165, “How to Obtain a Public Right-of-Way Permit for Minor Public Improvements.”  The fees at the initial setup are calculated and associated with Table 502 A – Construction Permit Plan Check and are due at the initial setup for the plan check.

    Encroachment Agreement (only).......................................$1,172.80

  2. Grading Permit and/or Right of Way 

    1. Fee Table 502A below lists the plan check fees for Grading and Right-of-Way Permits (other than minor) 

    2. Table 502B, located below, also lists the plan check fees for Mapping Actions.  

    3. Plan check fees are due at the time of project submittal and are calculated based on the requested approval type (s).  

    4. The fees are verified during project review and updated as appropriate.  

    5. Project changes made during staff review may result in additional plan check fees that must be paid prior to subsequent reviews or project approval. 

 An additional hourly fee will be assessed for projects whose comments have not been completely addressed by the third review cycle.   

III. Inspection Fees/Deposits

Inspections of Public Right-of-Way Permits and most Grading Permits are inspected by the Telecom and Utility Division (TUD) - Field Inspection Team (FIT). Inspection fees/deposits are collected during permit issuance.

  1. Inspection Fees
    An inspection fee may be charged instead of an inspection deposit for standard public improvements constructed by the Regional Standard Drawings and shown on a construction plan, such as, but not limited to, the installation, replacement, or removal of driveways, sidewalks, curb and gutter, curb ramps, sidewalk underdrains, curb outlets, excavations of underground utilities, and street paving restoration. This fee includes the pre-construction meeting, mark-out, internal/external coordination, construction stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP), traffic control, demolition, excavations, form, installation, concrete pour, restoration, and final/close-out. Services conducted by Engineering and Capital Projects (E&CP) are charged separately and shown below in Other Fees, Section H.

    DSD ROW, Minor (I)

    1. Linear projects (0 to 300 LF) ..................................$2,199.20 total
    2. Linear projects (301 to 750 LF) ..............................$3,849.90 total
    3. Linear projects (751 LF and above) ....................... Add $1,110 to each additional 750 LF above Item II. 
    4. Wet utility (I)................................................................................ $1,172 each

  2. Examples:
    • Driveway removal and replacement = $2,199.20
    • Telecom linear project spanning 300 LF (including street restoration limits) = $2,199.90
    • Telecom linear project spanning 301-750 LF (including street restoration limits) = $3,849.90
    • Telecom linear project spanning 751-1500 LF (including street restoration limits) $3,849.90 + $1,110 = $4,949.99
    • Telecom linear project spanning 1501- 2250 LF (including street restoration limits) = $3,849.90 + $1,110 + $1,110 = $6,049.99
    • Single-family development within 300 LF (eg. curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway, water service, sewer lateral, gas service, including street restoration limits) = $2,199.90 + $1,172 + $1,172 + $1,172= $5,715.90
    • Mixed-use / multi-family development within 400 LF (eg. curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveways, curb outlet, ADA curb ramps, 5 water services, 5 sewer laterals, 1 storm drain lateral, 1 gas service, including street restoration limits) = $3,849.90 + $1,172 (x12 wet utilities) = $17,913.90.

Larger scoped projects may need to be converted to being submitted as a deposit account (See A. Inspection Deposits below). 

  1. Inspection Deposits
    Table 502D, located below, identifies the inspection deposit amount required at permit issuance. The inspection deposit is established from the approved construction cost estimate of the public right-of-way improvement work, grading, landscape and irrigation and drainage improvements being done. The estimate must be prepared by a registered civil engineer using the most current DSD - Unit Price List. In addition to the Unit Price List, a Construction Cost Estimate Template is provided for the industry’s use.

    Inspection deposits are placed into a trust fund account, which is drawn against to pay for the inspection of your project. The Financially Responsible Party (as identified on the Deposit Account/Financially Responsible Party form, DS-3242) will receive a monthly deposit statement reflecting the charges made against the account. The Financially Responsible Party may receive invoices for additional deposits to maintain the subsequent minimum balance. The payment of this invoice will be required to continue inspections of your project. At the end of the project, any remaining funds will be returned to the Financially Responsible Party. 

  2. After Hours Inspections 
    Considering the location of the project site, after-hours inspections may be required. If needed, inspections may occur before 7 a.m. or after 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and, in some instances, during the weekends. An approved Traffic Control Permit will provide the dates and times authorized for after-hours construction. Customers should provide 72 hours advance notice when requesting an after-hours inspection. The city will respond to all requests within 24 hours or sooner.

    All fees must be paid before scheduling an after-hours inspection. If customers have questions about scheduling after-hours inspections, contact TUD-FIT at 619-446-5242 or   

  3. Private Grading
    These following fees are required when proposing to obtain a grading permit on private property where building construction is proposed. Private grading involves grading review, so plan check fees are due at the time of project submittal. These fees are verified during project review and updated accordingly per IB 559.

    Private Grading (Up to 5 sheets) ................ $9,020.10
    Increment Rate (Per sheet over 5) ............. $733

  4. Sidewalk Cafe Fee
    This fee is charged upon the submittal of a sidewalk cafe with only free-standing tables and chairs within four feet, six inches of the building façade.

    Sidewalk Café-ROW Permit (P).......................$1,539.80

    This fee is charged upon permit issuance of a sidewalk cafe:

    • DSD ROW, Minor......................................$2,199.90

    • Increment Rate (For 2 sheets)................$1,650

    • Increment Rate (Per sheet over 3) .........$1,100

IV. Administrative Fees

The following fees are paid at the time of project submittal or permit issuance, as indicated below. These fees are in addition to the fees or deposits required for the plan review and inspection of the project. 

  1. General Plan Maintenance Fee
    This fee is charged at project submittal for all projects that include a Right-of-Way Permit. The General Plan Maintenance Fee provides funding for the maintenance of the City’s General Plan and is collected on behalf of the Planning Department. It is non-refundable and is collected once per project. Projects that do not require plan review are not subject to the fee. 

    General Plan Maintenance Fee...................................................$548 

  2. Mapping Fee 
    This fee is charged at project submittal when plans, drawings, maps, or other geographical documents are utilized for project review. 

    Mapping Fee........................................................................................$10.10 

  3. Fee Collection – Other Agencies/Departments
    This fee is charged at permit issuance for fees collected by the DSD for other departments/agencies (e.g., Planning Department General Plan Maintenance Fee, Engineering & Capital Projects Inspection Fees). 

    Fee Collection – Other Agency/Department…………………………$14.20

  4. Recording Fee for Mapping/Subdivision 
    This fee is charged upon submitting final mapping documents for recordation with the County Recorder. 

    Recordation Fee for Mapping/Subdivisions…………………………$879.60

  5. County Recording Fees 
    These fees are charged at permit issuance to cover the cost charged by the County at the time of recordation, per the Recorder/County Clerk Fee Schedule.  

  6. Long-Term Monitoring Fee
    This fee is charged at permit issuance for grading permit projects with a cost estimate of $100,000 or greater to monitor project compliance with stormwater, environmental mitigation, slope revegetation, and other permit conditions on an ongoing basis after projects have been completed and a final inspection has occurred. 

    • Cost Estimate $100,000 to $500,000..................................$2,751.90

    • Cost Estimate over $500,000...............................................$5,505.90

  7. Express Plan Check 
    When available, a reduced review period can be accomplished by paying an Express Plan Check Administration Fee of $652 plus 1.5 times the regular plan check fee (or 1.5 times the hourly rate, when applicable).

  8. Street Damage Fee
    A Street Damage Fee may be assessed to partially recover the increased repaving and reconstruction costs incurred by the City attributed to the impact of an excavation in the public right of way. This fee is collected pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) §62.1215 and is calculated by the reviewer during the project review. The fees are calculated considering the limits of the proposed excavation as detailed in the Street Preservation Ordinance. The fees are calculated on a project-by-project basis and are dependent on the means and methods proposed for the project design. These fees are collected at permit issuance. 

  9. Naming or Renaming of Public Streets or Other Public Rights of Way 
    Approval from the City Engineer is required for any request to name or rename public streets and other rights of way, which includes private streets, private driveways, non-dedicated roads on City property and alleys. A separate fee will be assessed for this service. 
    Note: Street name changes that do not qualify as a Process 1 approval per SDMC §125.1120 will require City Council approval and shall be submitted as a discretionary action requiring a deposit account.

    New Street or Driveway Name……................................................. $586.40 

    Street Name Change:

    • Process 1.................................................................................... $1,172.80 

    • Process 5.................................................................................... Deposit Required. See IB-503  

  10. Deviations from Standard
    During the course of ministerial reviews, if it is determined that the proposed improvements cannot meet standards, a Deviation from Standards approval shall be obtained. This may be requested by completing the Deviations from Standard form and paying the non-refundable fee due at permit issuance.

    Deviations from Standard (per form)............................................ $1,393.20 

V. Other Fees

  1. Application Extension of Time Request
    Applications for Grading/Right-of-Way Permits or Process One mapping actions expire two years from the date the application is deemed complete. A non-refundable fee is collected when applicants request an extension of time on an application. To request an extension of time on an application, complete the Application Extension Request for Grading/Right of Way and Mapping Projects. 

    Extension of Time-Application......................................................$146.60 

  2. Permit Extension of Time Request 
    A non-refundable fee is collected when applicants request an extension of time on an issued Grading and/or Right-of-Way Permit. To request an extension of time, complete an Application for an Extension of Time for Grading/Right-of-Way Permits (Form DS-340).

    Permit Extension.............................................................................$293.20 

  3. Partial Bond Release 
    This non-refundable fee is collected when applicants are requesting a partial bond release. 

    Partial Bond Release.......................................................................$586.40

  4. Construction Change Fees 
    An hourly plan check fee (per discipline) will be assessed and invoiced before the construction change is placed into review. Additional plan check fees will be assessed at the time of permit issuance. 

  5. Stormwater High Priority & Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) Inspection Fee
    The Reginal Water Quality Contrail Board requires weekly or biweekly Stormwater inspections on large projects in close proximity to sensitive biological water resources. During plan review, all projects are classified as ASBS, High, Medium, or Low Priority according to their stormwater discharge risk. Projects identified as Stormwater High Priority or ASBS are assessed a fee to meet the additional inspections. This fee covers the first four (4) Stormwater inspections performed beyond normal inspections. If more than four (4) additional Stormwater Inspections are required, additional Stormwater Inspection fees will be assessed by inspection staff. 

    Storm Water Inspections (Up to four) ………………………………........$1,021.80

  6. Traffic Control Permit
    A separate Public Right-of-Way Permit for Traffic Control is required. Except traffic control provided as part of D-sheets, the plan check and inspection fees for this approval are contained in IB-177, “How to Obtain a Permit for Traffic Control.” 

  7. Moratorium Excavation Waiver Form 
    This fee is charged at permit issuance for the "Paving Moratorium Waiver Request" to cover the costs of reviewing and validating the information provided, processing the request, and documenting the "Excavation Moratorium Waiver" request form. This ensures the request does not conflict with other permits or city projects. The fee also supports thorough coordination and record-keeping for the waiver process.

    Excavation Moratorium Waiver………….......................................…. $ 293.20 

  8. Hourly Rates for Services Not Covered Above 
    1. Development Services: 

      • All hourly rates for all disciplines within DSD are per the table below.
      Time PriceTotal
      1/2 hrs$73.30$73.30
      .1 hrs after the first 1/2$14.70$14.70 x 5 = $73.50
       Total rate$146.80
      • DSD-TUD-FIT-Inspection-after hours…............................  $219.90
    2. Engineering and Capital Projects (E&CP):
      • E&CP Inspection................................................................  $116
      • E&CP Inspection-after hours…........................................  $174
      • E&CP Materials Lab............................................................  $88
      • E&CP Surveys....................................................................  $148
      • E&CP Supervisor...............................................................  $134

Table 502A - Construction Permit Plan Check

Drawing Type 


Base Rate 

Increment Rate 

Grading & Right-of-Way Permit, D-Sheet 

Up to 5 sheets 



Per sheet over 5




Grading Permit, D-Sheet 

Up to 5 sheets 



Per sheet over 5



Grading Permit, Construction Plan, Large Format
Only for: 

  1. Site Reconnaissance
  2. Revegetation / Site Restoration

Up to 5 sheets 



Per sheet over 5




Right-of-Way Permit, Construction Plan, Large Format 

Up to 5 sheets 



Per sheet over 5




Traffic Control Construction Plan Small 11x17

Between 1 to 3 sheets


Per sheet over 3 sheets







Traffic Control Construction Plan Large 24x18

Between 1 to 3 sheets



Per sheet over 3 sheets




Right-of-Way Permit, Construction Plan, Small Format

Up to 2 sheets



Per sheet over 2



Right-of-Way Permit, D-SheetUp to 5 sheets


Per sheet over 5 


Specialty Items - An additional fee will be assessed when the right-of-way plans include any items below. 

Agreement, Deferred Improvement 




Agreement, Subdivision Improvement 






Up to 5 sheets 



per sheet over 5




Traffic Control (on a D-Sheet) 

Up to 3 sheets 



each add'l sheet 



Traffic Signal, Simple1 

per intersection 



Traffic Signal, Standard2 

per intersection 



Traffic Signal, Complex

per intersection 



1At the time of initial project submittal, projects that include only modifications to existing traffic signals will be charged the “simple” fee; installation of new traffic signals will be charged the “standard” fee at the time of project submittal. Confirmation of the definition of simple, standard or complex below will be made during review, and the fees will be adjusted accordingly.  

Traffic Signal Plan – Simple: A simple traffic signal plan check involves minor modifications to an existing traffic signal such as replacing signal heads (vehicle or pedestrian), replacing or relocating a pedestrian push button, replacing or relocating traffic signal loops, installing or replacing EVPE(s), changing luminaries, etc.; no changes to traffic signal phasing or changes to the number of existing conduits are proposed; additional issues, conflicts, or concerns as determined by the reviewer following initial review may determine traffic signal review requires standard or complex review. 

Traffic Signal Plan – Standard: A standard traffic signal plan check involves the installation of a new traffic signal or modification to an existing traffic signal where the roadways intersect nearly perpendicularly to each other or a new traffic signal installation as part of a new subdivision where the proposed design is not confined by existing conditions and has no more than four approaches and curbs to right-of-way width of at least 10 feet; the proposed location has an existing sidewalk, curb and gutter; changes to traffic signal phasing, conductor schedule, equipment schedule and/or detector assignments; Standard traffic signal plan check must not require coordination with other jurisdictions such as Caltrans, MTS, Airport Authority, neighboring cities, etc.; additional issues, conflicts or concerns as determined by the reviewer following initial review may determine traffic signal review requires complex review. 

Traffic Signal Plan – Complex: A complex traffic signal plan check requires coordination with other jurisdictions such as Caltrans, MTS, Airport Authority, neighboring cities, etc.; has more than four approaches or skewed/offset approaches; involves impacts to transit (rail, including trolley, Amtrak/Coaster, or cargo trains; busses); there are visibility issues due to horizontal/vertical curvature; changes to pole numbering; replacement or relocation of conduits; storm drain inlet conflicts at curb ramps; requires easements at private driveways; proposes to relocate existing traffic signal facilities from raised medians; requires the installation of new sidewalk, curb, and gutter; has less than 10 feet of the curb (edge of pavement) to right-of-way width or requires right-of-way acquisition; traffic signal facilities conflict with existing utilities; other issues, conflicts or concerns as determined by the reviewer following initial review not covered within this description.  

Table 502B Technical Report – An additional fee for the items below will be assessed.

Service Name 


Fee Description 

Base Fee 

Increment Rate

Drainage Study - Commercial/Industrial/MDU





Drainage Study - SDU





Drainage Study - Subdivision





Geotechnical Study





Lighting Study





Sewer Study 


Up to 25 Page



Sewer Study 


Per page over 25



Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)





Stormwater Quality Management Plan, Standard Dev





Stormwater Quality Management Plan, Priority Dev





Title Report Up to 25 Page$293.20 
  Per page over 25 $439.80

Water Pollution Control Plan, Minor per DS-570





Water Pollution Control Plan





Water Study


Up to 25 Page



Water Study


Per page over 25



Table 502C – Mapping Action Fees


Service Name 

Fee Description 

Base Fee 

Additional Fee

Certificate of Compliance




Certificate of Correction (Maximum fee calculated at 12 additional sheets)

1-12 sheets



Certificate of Correction

Over 13 pages



Easement Covenant Of

Per Deed



Easement Dedication – Single Type

1-3 sheets



Easement Dedication – Each Additional Type

1-3 sheets



Easement Dedication – Each Additional OwnershipEach$879.60 
Final map1-3 sheets$5,279.40$879.60 
Final Map with Improvements

1-3 sheets



Lot Line Adjustment PLAT (with structures)

1-3 sheets



Lot Line Adjustment PLAT (without structures)

1-3 sheets



Lot Tie Agreement




Monumentation Fee




Parcel Map—LLA / LC (with structures)

1-3 sheets



Parcel Map—LLA / LC (without structures)

1-3 sheets

$3,739 .70


Parcel Map - Subdivision (without improvements)

1-3 sheets



Parcel Map - Subdivision (with improvements)

1-3 sheets



Public Right-of-Way Dedication

First sheet



Reversion to Acreage

1-3 sheets







Table 502D - Inspection Deposit

Construction Cost Estimate 

Initial Deposit 


Minimum Balance Required 

$0 to $25,000 



$25,001 to $50,000 



$50,001 to $100,000 


4% of amount over $50,000 


$100,001 to $250,000 


4% of amount over $100,000 


$250,001 and over 


4% of amount over $250,000 


VII. References

VIII. Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin

This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.