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Council President Joe LaCava (District 1)

Black Mountain Ranch

Black Mountain Ranch is a young community of 4,500 people encompassing more than 5,100 acres of the City's northern section. Known locally as "BMR," the area 's two major developments are Santaluz in the southern half and Del Sur in the northern half. Featuring a mix of Spanish Colonial and Italian architecture, both areas were planned with San Diego's unique environment and climate in mind. Two out of every three acres in BMR are parks or open space, including Black Mountain Ranch Community Park, which offers grand views of the northern reaches of the City.

Rancho Peñasquitos Library(858) 538-815913330 Salmon River Rd., San Diego, CA 92129-2641
Recreation Centers
Black Mountain Multipurpose Center(858) 538-81289353 Oviedo St., San Diego, CA 92129
Canyonside Recreation Center(858) 538-813112350 Black Mountain Rd., San Diego, CA 92129
Hilltop Recreation Center(858) 538-81989711 Oviedo Way, San Diego, CA 92129
Rancho Peñasquitos Skate Park(858) 538-813110111 Carmel Mountain Rd., San Diego, CA 92129
Adobe Bluffs Park Intersection of La Trucha St. and Adobe Bluffs Dr.
Black Mountain Ranch Community Park One hundred feet east of the intersection of Carmel Valley Road and Black Mountain Road
Black Mountain Regional Open Space Park Parking at Hilltop Community Park, .75 miles east of the intersection of Carmel Valley Road and Black Mountain Road, Black Mountain Ranch Community Park and west of the intersection of Camino Del Sur and San Dieguito Road
Canyonside Community Park(858) 538-8131123450 Black Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, 92130
Del Mar Mesa Preserve Off Del Mar Mesa Road
Hilltop Community Park(858) 538-81989711 Oviedo Way, San Diego, CA, 92130
Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve(858) 484-750412020 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92129
Ridgewood Park Intersection of Paseo Montril and La Tortola
Rolling Hills Park Intersection of Penasquitos Dr. and Madrigal St.
Twins Trails Park Intersection of Twin Trails Dr. and Cayote Ave.
Views West Park Near intersection of La Tortola and Pine Manor Ct.
School Districts
Poway School District(858) 521-280015250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128-3406
High Schools
Mt. Carmel High School(858) 484-11809550 Carmel Mountain Rd., San Diego, CA 92129
Westview High School(858) 780-200013500 Camino Del Sur, San Diego, CA 92129
Middle Schools
Black Mountain Middle School(858) 538-94409353 Oviedo St., San Diego, CA 92129
Mesa Verde Middle School(858) 538-54788375 Entreken Wy., San Diego, CA 92129
Elementary Schools
Del Sur Elementary School(858) 674-620015655 Paseo Del Sur, San Diego, CA 92127
Monterey Ridge Elementary School(858) 484-098117117 4S Ranch Parkway., San Diego, CA 92127
Stone Ranch Elementary School(858) 487-847416150 4S Ranch Parkway, San Diego, CA 92127
Sunset Hills Elementary School(858) 484-16009291 Oviedo St., San Diego, CA 92129
Turtleback Elementary School(858) 673-551415855 Turtleback Road, San Diego, CA 92127
Willow Grove Elementary School(858) 674-630014727 Via Azul, San Diego, CA 92127
Private Schools
Maranatha Christian Schools(858) 613-780310752 Coastwood Road San Diego, CA 92127
Fire and Police
Fire Station 40 13393 Salmon River Road, San Diego, CA 92129
Fire Station 42 12110 World Trade Dr. San Diego, CA 92129
San Diego Police Department - Northeastern Division(858) 538-800013396 Salmon River Road San Diego, CA 92129
San Diego Police Department - Northwestern Division(858) 523-700012592 El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130
Community Groups
Black Mountain Ranch Community Association
Rancho Peñasquitos Town CouncilDATE: First Thursday of each month
TIME: 7 p.m.
LOCATION: Doubletree Golf Resort (14455 Peñasquitos Dr., San Diego, CA 92129)
Rancho Peñasquitos Planning BoardDATE: First Wednesday of each month
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Doubletree Golf Resort, Sandpiper Room (14455 Peñasquitos Dr., San Diego, CA 92129)
Rancho Peñasquitos Fire Safe CouncilDATE: Third Wednesday of each month
TIME: 7 p.m.
LOCATION: Doubletree Golf Resort (14455 Peñasquitos Dr., San Diego, CA 92129)
Rancho Peñasquitos Recreation CouncilDATE: Fourth Thursday of each month
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Meetings are held at Canyonside Recreation Center, excluding December, when the meeting will be at Hilltop Recreation Center on the second Thursday of the month. There is no meeting in November.