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Office of the City Attorney

Criminal/Community Justice Divisions Volunteer & Intern Opportunities

Criminal/Community Justice Divisions Legal Internship Program

The Criminal and Community Justice Divisions offer volunteer internship opportunities for first, second, and third-year law students. The internship program offers an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their education through hands-on experience. Legal interns will also participate in office training sessions and may have opportunities to attend court hearings and second-chair trials during the internship. All work will be conducted under the direct supervision of a deputy city attorney. Please note that these internships are unpaid volunteer positions, although some law schools may offer academic credit for participation. For more information, please click on the following link: Criminal Internship Program Fact and Information Sheet.

If your law school is participating in on-campus/virtual interviews with our office, submit your application materials through your Career Services office. If your law school does not participate, please email your application materials to In your cover letter, please specify the session for which you are applying.

Please submit your questions via email for Criminal or Community Justice Division Volunteer/internship to:

Heily Hernandez, Senior Chief Deputy City Attorney
Johana Millan, Program Coordinator

Criminal/Community Justice Divisions Volunteer Attorney Program

Volunteer attorneys assist Deputy City Attorneys in all stages of prosecuting misdemeanor offenses, including domestic violence, DUIs, thefts, graffiti, prostitution, drug-related offenses, alcohol-related crimes, batteries, sex crimes, consumer and environmental crimes, drug abatement and other misdemeanors. Volunteer attorneys assist with researching, writing, and arguing pretrial motions, jury trial preparation, and other special projects as assigned. Volunteer attorneys may have an opportunity to second chair motions, evidentiary hearings, and jury trials. All work is completed under the direct supervision of a Deputy City Attorney. Volunteer attorney positions are unpaid. However, they allow aspiring criminal prosecutors to gain valuable legal experience working alongside our deputies. Volunteer attorneys typically work approximately 40 hours per week.

We are not currently accepting applications for the Volunteer Attorney Program. Please check this website periodically for future openings. If you have any questions, please submit them to:

Post-Bar Volunteer Positions Available

The Criminal and Community Justice Divisions is excited to offer volunteer internship opportunities for recent law school graduates (post-bar) and current third-year law students (3Ls) preparing to take the California Bar Examination.

This is a fantastic opportunity to gain courtroom experience, mentorship from experienced prosecutors, exposure to criminal cases, trial preparation, and victim advocacy, as well as networking opportunities within the criminal justice system. This unpaid volunteer position offers invaluable legal experience alongside practicing attorneys. For more information, please click the following link: San Diego City Attorney Post-Bar Information

To apply for the post-bar position, please submit a letter of interest, a current resume, an unofficial transcript, and a short writing sample (maximum 10 pages). Applicants should submit their application materials to:

Victim Services Advocate Volunteer

Are you a compassionate person who is interested in helping crime victims in your community? Do you want to learn more about how the criminal justice system works? Whether your passion is working directly with victims or behind-the-scenes support, the City Attorney's Office is looking for volunteers to assist with victim support in the Criminal and Community Justice Divisions.

Mentoring/coaching services, advocate support and providing access to a variety of resource information and referral services for victims, volunteers are able to help meet our mission for victim services by:

  • Providing information to victims about court process
  • Providing advocacy, referrals and resource materials to victims
  • Liaise with attorneys, victim service coordinators and victims
  • Providing case follow-up and check-in with victims
  • Providing encouragement and inspirational support through the process

For more information, Victim Services Advocate Volunteer

Administrative Intern, General Crime Victims

Assist staff in the Office of the City Attorney Criminal Division with inquiries from victims and witnesses, preparation of court forms, court calendars, data entry from arrest reports and citations, conducting research, verifying report information, corresponding and communicating with victims, computer searches, providing accurate file documentation and various clerical and administrative duties. This opportunity provides practical experience for students pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, interested in law school, or pursuing a career in law enforcement. Must be reliable and trustworthy with regard to all matters and maintain confidential information.

For more information, Administrative Intern, General Crime Victims