Fighting Human Trafficking

Protecting Victims of Sex Trafficking
City Attorney Mara W. Elliott has prioritized protecting the most vulnerable victims of violence and exploitation, including those who are being trafficked for forced labor or sex work. The sex trafficking trade in San Diego County is estimated to be an $800 million a year industry and the average victim is 16 years old.
Sex trafficking occurs whenever force, fear, fraud, or coercion are used to compel a commercial sex act -- or anytime a minor is involved in a commercial sex act.
In 2019, the Your Safe Place (formerly known as San Diego Family Justice Center), a division of the San Diego City Attorney’s Office, opened its doors to victims of sex trafficking and now provides them with the same services as it does for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. These services include forensic medical examinations, counseling, workforce readiness support, legal advice, and other assistance to help victims break free from a life of violence and become thriving, self-sufficient survivors.
Your Safe Place is where victims can reclaim their lives, seek justice, and begin healing. If you are a victim of sex trafficking or know someone who is in need of services, please contact the Your Safe Place for help today.
Your Safe Place - A Family Justice Center
1122 Broadway, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Toll free: 866-933-HOPE (4673)
Local: 619-533-6000
Spotlighting the Problem and Educating the Community
Trafficking is often hidden in plain sight. That’s why the City Attorney’s Office has been working to educate owners in the hotel and massage parlor industries, which are often hotbeds for trafficking, about their legal obligations. Along with a team of volunteers and community partners, the City Attorney has visited massage parlors throughout San Diego to ensure they are posting a legally required notice that informs the public and victims of trafficking on how to seek help or report unlawful activity.
English, Spanish & Tagalog | English, Spanish & Vietnamese | English, Spanish & Chinese |
The posters can be downloaded in multiple languages or can be requested by emailing
If you witness what you suspect to be sex trafficking or lewd activities, please report it to the City Attorney’s Nuisance Abatement Unit.
Nuisance Abatement Unit,
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Ave., Suite 700
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-533-5500