Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Posters:
English, Spanish & Tagalog | English, Spanish & Vietnamese | English, Spanish & Chinese |
Human trafficking, including forced labor and sex work, is considered the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the United States – a $9 billion industry. In San Diego, the local sex trafficking trade brings in about $800 million annually. California is one of the nation’s top four trafficking destinations.
People from other countries seeking work, underage runaways, sex workers, and household workers can be particularly vulnerable to being tricked into situations where they are held in virtual slavery. They may be afraid to contact authorities because they have limited English skills. San Diego City’s geographic spread and diversity make it easier to hide and move victims from place to place and difficult for law enforcement to locate and help potential victims.
The City Attorney’s Office recently sent a letter (Victims of Human Trafficking - Public Notice) to remind businesses that offer massage or bodywork services of their legal obligation under California Civil Code section 52.6 to post notices that inform the public and victims of human trafficking how to seek help or report unlawful activity. The posters can be downloaded from this page or requested by emailing
If you witness what you suspect to be human trafficking or lewd activities, please report it to the City Attorney’s Nuisance Abatement Unit.
Nuisance Abatement Unit,
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Ave., Suite 700
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 533-5500
If you yourself are a victim of human trafficking, please contact the San Diego Family Justice Center for help.
San Diego Family Justice Center
1122 Broadway, 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Toll free: (866) 933-HOPE (4673)
Local: (619) 533-6000