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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Reports

What is an Attorney Report?

A City Attorney Report is a report on the status of the law in any given area, or prepared upon the initiative of the City Attorney or staff, when a matter of importance comes to the attention of the Mayor and City Council (jointly), Council Committees, City Manager, Charter-based Commissions, Boards, or Agencies.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Attorney Reports from July 1985 through present are available.

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City Attorney Reports by Year

Official City Documents

Date Number Title
09/16/1999 RC-99-11 Business Improvement Districts [BIDS]Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., et al. v. City of San Diego, SDSC Case No. 712071
09/10/1999 RC-99-10 San Diegans For Responsible Freeway Planning v. City of San Diego, et al. [State Route 56]
09/09/1999 RC-99-9 Amendments to Cardroom Ordinance to Conform with State Law
08/31/1999 RC-99-8 Legal Use of Marijuana
05/04/1999 RC-99-6 San Diego City Firefighters Local 145 v. City of San Diego, et al., SDSC Case No. 728123
04/29/1999 RC-99-5 Proposed Amendments to the City's Elections Code
04/07/1999 RC-99-4 City of San Diego v. Robert McCarty, et al., San Diego Sup. Ct., Case No. 714746 - Edward Teyssier v. City of San Diego, San Diego Sup. Ct., Case No. 721202
03/11/1999 RC-99-3 Fiscal Year 1999 Civil Litigation Update
01/27/1999 RC-99-1 Design-Build and Job Order Contracting
12/14/1998 RC-98-21 Hoffmaster v. City of San Diego
09/30/1998 RC-98-19 Proposal to Permit a Private Sponsor to Conduct Car Racing Events on a City Street, With The Support of The San Diego Police Department
09/03/1998 RC-98-18 Attendance of Non-Committee Members at Meetings of Council Standing Committees (Attorney General Opinion Number 97-1207)
09/03/1998 RC-98-17 Proposed Ordinance Restricting the Sale, Advertising and Promotion of Tobacco Products to Minors
07/31/1998 RC-98-16 Contract Between The City of San Diego and United States Public Technologies, Inc. For Red Light Camera Enforcement
07/28/1998 RC-98-15 Donald Riley v. National Marine Fisheries, et al., United States District Court Case No. 98-CV-6421IEG
07/13/1998 RC-98-13 The Impact of Amendments to Council Policy 200-18 (Mid-Block Street Light Policy for Developed Areas) on Maintenance Assessment Districts
06/25/1998 RC-98-12 Appointment of an Independent Strategic Planner/Budget Analyst
04/07/1998 RC-98-9 Proposed Tobacco Ordinance
04/01/1998 RC-98-8 Ordinance Amending Contracting Provisions of the Municipal Code
02/02/1998 RC-98-5 Use of Directors' Areas at Qualcomm Stadium and Other Related Issues
01/29/1998 RC-98-4 Proposed Tobacco Ordinance
01/28/1998 RC-98-3 Effect of Proposition 208 Ruling on San Diego's Campaign Contribution Limits
01/26/1998 RC-98-2 Proposed Council Policy 600-41 - Indemnification for Development Approvals
12/03/1997 RC-97-28 Criminal Division Initiatives - Neighborhood Prosecution, Code Enforcement, and Early Intervention
12/01/1997 RC-97-27 Role of the City Attorney as a Commissioner of the PFFA
11/05/1997 RC-97-24 Job Order Contracting
09/02/1997 RC-97-21 Attorney General Opinion on Disclosure of Confidential Communications
09/02/1997 RC-97-20 Procedure at Council Hearing on Proposed Saturday Night Special Ban
08/27/1997 RC-97-18 Power of the Council Under Charter Section 26 to Change the Organization of City Departments
07/31/1997 RC-97-15 CAUSE v. City of San Diego, Superior Court Case No. 696935 - Appellate Court Case No. D026633
07/14/1997 RC-97-13 Metropolitan Water District's Complaint for Validation of Wheeling Rates
06/25/1997 RC-97-11 San Diego City Attorney Budget - Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 1997-1998
06/17/1997 RC-97-9 Adoption of Ordinance Relating to Juvenile Curfew
05/20/1997 RC-97-8 Legal Requirements for Consistency Between Zoning Regulations and the Progress Guide & General Plan
03/13/1997 RC-97-5 Referrability of Various Actions Regarding the Convention Center Expansion
03/03/1997 RC-97-4 Adoption of Ordinances Implementing Agreements With Qualcomm, Inc. and San Diego Chargers
02/27/1997 RC-97-3 Save Our Bay, Inc. et al. v. International Boundary and Water Commission, et al., U.S. District Court Case No. 97 CV 0295E
02/13/1997 RC-97-2 Proposition 209
01/31/1997 RC-97-1 Special Meeting of the City Council on February 3, 1997, and Need for Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. O-18365
10/17/1996 RC-96-41 Transfer of Development Rights for Ranch at Stallions Crossing (Item no. 336 on the docket for 10/22/96)
10/11/1996 RC-96-40 Plan 2000 Solid Waste Management Issues
07/30/1996 RC-96-33 Rider, et al. v. City of San Diego, et al.
07/26/1996 RC-96-32 Phase Shift Ballot Measures for the Lower San Dieguito River Valley/Ordinance Nos. O-97-18 and O-97-20
07/22/1996 RC-96-31 Now, et al., v. City of San Diego & Republican National Committee, U.S. District Court No. 96-1114-B
07/15/1996 RC-96-30 City's Authority to Regulate Personal Watercraft
07/12/1996 RC-96-29 Draft Ballot Measure Language/Proposed Charter Amendment to Create a Branch Library Construction Fund and Endowment Fund
07/11/1996 RC-96-28 Item 342 - Council Meeting of Tuesday, July 16, 1996 Naval Training Center Draft Reuse Concept Plan (Continued from July 1, 1996 Meeting)
07/03/1996 RC-96-27 Draft Alternative Ballot Measures Pertaining to Branch Libraries
05/31/1996 RC-96-26 The Legality of Legislative and Economic Flow Control
05/06/1996 RC-96-21 West Coast General Corporation's Use of Unauthorized Subcontractors for the Gaslamp Quarter Park Project in the Gaslamp Quarter Sub Area of the Centre City Redevelopment Project