City Council Committees
Agendas and Actions
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The general dates and times for the City Council Committee meetings are listed under each meeting description below but are subject to change.
Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
The Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's area of responsibility includes individual Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Oversight of CIP Streamlining, ADA CIP Projects, Infrastructure Finance, Regional Transportation Improvement Program, Asset Management, Infrastructure Condition Assessment Monitoring and Implementation, Neighborhood Input on Infrastructure Needs and Priorities, Stormwater Infrastructure, Public Facilities Financing Plans, Development Impact Fees, Facilities Benefit Assessments, Wastewater Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure, City Facilities, Park Infrastructure, Multi-Year Capital Improvement Program Plan, Transportation Infrastructure, Public Works, Transportation Planning, Transit Services, Parking, Community Parking Districts, Municipal Airports, Walkability, Bicycle Programs, and ADA Compliance and Accessibility. The Committee’s responsibility includes individual infrastructure projects related to water, wastewater, storm water, and parks, except for projects related to Pure Water, which shall be the responsibility of the Committee on the Environment.
Agendas and Actions for Infrastructure Committee
Members | Stephen Whitburn (Chair), Kent Lee (Vice Chair), Henry L. Foster III, and Marni von Wilpert |
When | One to two Thursdays per month at 1:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | 2025 ATI Committee Work Plan |
The Audit Committee's area of responsibility includes oversight of the City's auditing, internal controls and any other financial or business practices as well as directing and reviewing the work of the City Auditor.
Apply for Audit Committee Public Member
Agendas and Actions for Audit Committe-e
Members | Vivian Moreno (Chair), Stephen Whitburn (Vice Chair), Stewart Halpern, Andy Maffia, and Toufic Tabshouri. |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 9:00 a.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
Budget and Government Efficiency Committee
The Budget and Government Efficiency Committee's Area of Responsibility includes the Annual Budget, Financial Reports, Fees, Performance Measures and Analytics, Corporate Partnerships and Development, Fleet Services, Risk Management, Information Technology, Enterprise Resource Management, Purchasing and Contracting, Equal Opportunity Contracting, Living Wage, Prevailing Wage, Managed Competition, Revenue, San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System, Personnel, Consumer Protection, Civil Service, and Human Resources.
Agendas and Actions for Budget and Government Efficiency Committee
From January 18, 2006 – December 3, 2013, this Committee was named Budget and Finance Committee.
Members | Henry L. Foster III (Chair), Vivian Moreno (Vice Chair), Kent Lee, and Sean Elo-Rivera |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 9:00 a.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Budget and Government Efficiency Committee (B&GE) Work Plan |
The Budget Review Committee's Area of Responsibility includes the review of six operating fund types (General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service and Tax Funds, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service Funds). The Committee has the responsibility to analyze, study, and evaluate the estimates of required expenditures proposed for inclusion in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, and the annual budgets of the San Diego Housing Commission, Civic San Diego, San Diego Convention Center Corporation, and the City of San Diego, solely in its capacity as Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego. The Committee shall have the further responsibility to review and evaluate the tentative Capital Improvements Program. The Budget Review hearings are an opportunity for the City Council to obtain input from San Diego residents on spending priorities.
Annual budget review meetings shall be set in accordance with California Government Code section 54954, no later than the ten weeks immediately preceding the introduction of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance subject to the provisions of Council Policy No. 000-02.
Agendas and Actions for Budget Review Committee
Members | All members of the Council. The chair of the Committee of Budget and Government Efficiency shall serve as chair of this special committee and the Council President shall serve as vice chair. |
When | 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Chambers, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Fiscal Year 2025 Departmental and Outside Agencies Budget Hearing Calendar Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget Independent Budget Analyst Review of the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget |
Community and Neighborhood Services Committee
The Community and Neighborhood Services Committee's area of responsibility includes Neighborhood Parks, Recreation Programs, Veterans Services, Special Event Permits, Senior Services, Volunteerism, Libraries, Maintenance Assessment Districts, Code Enforcement, and Child, Youth, and Family Services.
Agendas and Actions for Community and Neighborhood Services Committee
Members | Jennifer Campbell (Chair), Raul Campillo (Vice Chair), and Henry L. Foster III |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 2:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Community and Neighborhood Services Committee Work Plan |
Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
The Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee's area of responsibility includes Intergovernmental Relations, Interagency and Bi-National Agreements, International Trade, Foreign Trade Zones, San Diego Regional Airport Authority, Civic San Diego or Successor Agency, Port District, Educational Partnerships, City-wide Economic Development Programs and Strategy, Workforce Development, Commercial Marketing Districts, Business Improvement Districts, Tourism Marketing District, San Diego Convention Center Corporation, Incentive Programs, Regulatory Relief, Community Development Block Grants, Small Business Support, Worker Rights and Protections, Labor Standards, Job Quality Standards, Arts and Culture, and Open Data.
Agendas and Actions for Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
From January 30, 2012 – October 22, 2012, this Committee was named Economic Development and Strategies Committee.
Members | Raul Campillo (Chair), Henry L. Foster III (Vice Chair), Jennifer Campbell, and Kent Lee |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 2:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee (ED&IR) Work Plan |
The Environment Committee's area of responsibility includes the Clean Water Program, Water Management and Policy, Energy (Solar, Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs, Green), Multiple Species Conservation Program, Solid Waste Disposal, Recycling, Air Quality Standards, Hazardous Waste, Regional Parks, Open Space, Public Utilities, Golf, Utility Undergrounding, Franchise Agreements, Stormwater Management and Policy, Climate Action Plan, Climate Resiliency Plan, Sustainability, Wastewater Management and Policy, Independent Rates Oversight Committee, Pure Water (including Indirect Potable Reuse/Direct Potable Reuse, Recycled Water, Graywater), San Diego County Water Authority, Shoreline Preservation, Wildlife Management, Environmental Services, and Environmental Policy.
Agendas and Actions for Environment Committee
From October 18, 2000 – November 6, 2013, this Committee was named the Natural Resources and Culture Committee.
Members | Sean Elo-Rivera (Chair), Jennifer Campbell (Vice Chair), and Joe LaCava |
When | One to two Thursdays per month at 1:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | 2025 Environment Committee Work Plan |
Land Use and Housing Committee
The Land Use and Housing Committee's area of responsibility includes Permanent Supportive Housing, Homeless Services, Affordable Housing, Real Estate & Airport Management, Planning, Land Use, Land Development Code, General Plan, Community Plans, Coastal Overlay Zone, and Historical Issues/Mills Act.
Agendas and Actionsfor Land Use and Housing Committee
From January 1, 2014- December 31, 2018, this Committee was named Smart Growth and Land Use Committee.
From October 11, 2000 – December 3, 2013, This Committee was named Land Use and Housing.
Members | Kent Lee (Chair), Sean Elo-Rivera (Vice Chair), Raul Campillo, and Vivian Moreno |
When | One to two Thursdays per month at 1:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Land Use and Housing Committee (LU&H) Work Plan |
The Public Safety Committee's area of responsibility includes police, fire, lifeguards, homeland security, emergency medical services, gang prevention and intervention, graffiti abatement, and the Commission on Police Practices.
Agendas and Actions for Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee
From October 4, 2000 – October 30, 2013, this Committee was named the Public Safety and Neighborhoods Services Committee.
Members | Marni von Wilpert (Chair), Raul Campillo (Vice Chair), Jennifer Campbell, and Stephen Whitburn |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 2:00 p.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | 2025 Public Safety Committee Work Plan |
The Rules Committee's area of responsibility includes Rules of Council, City Charter, Open Government, Elections and Ballot Measures, Annexations, Boards and Commissions, Communications, Customer Service, Public Outreach, matters initiated by individual Councilmembers as provided in Rule 7.1, and Committee Composition and Responsibilities.
Agendas and Actionsfor Rules Committee
From January 9, 2013- November 6, 2013, this Committee was named Rules and Economic Development Committee.
From January 25, 2006 – November 14, 2012, This Committee was named Rules, Open Government and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
From October 2, 2000 – November 30, 2005, this Committee was named Rules, Finance, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
Members | Joe LaCava (Chair), Kent Lee (Vice Chair), Raul Campillo, Vivian Moreno, Sean Elo-Rivera |
When | One to two Wednesdays per month at 9:00 a.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info | Rules Committee Work Plan |
Select Committee on Addressing Cost of Living
The Select Committee on Addressing Cost of Living will focus on issues related to the cost of living in San Diego, including assessing which factors are driving the cost of living in the City, which factors the City can control or influence to lower the cost of living in San Diego, proposing legislative or policy changes, and engaging with impacted stakeholders.
Members | Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera (Chair), Councilmember Henry Foster III (Vice Chair), and Councilmember Marni von Wilpert (member). |
When | View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Council Administration 619-533-4474 |
More Info |
Select Committee on Homelessness
Other Committees
Public Facilities Financing Authority
The Public Facilities Financing Authority is the primary financing authority of the City. The Authority meets as needed to authorize the issuance of bonds on behalf of the City.
Otay Mesa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Public Financing Authority
The Otay Mesa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Public Financing Authority (OM EIFD PFA) is the governing board of the district established pursuant to California Government Code sections 53398.50 - 53398.88 for the sole purpose of financing public facilities or other projects in Otay Mesa. The OM EIFD PFA meets the first Monday of each month at 10am in the City Council Committee Room, or as needed.
The Housing Commission meets one or two Fridays per month at 9 a.m. at 1122 Broadway, fourth Floor, downtown San Diego. For specific dates, contact Debbie Levenson-Cruz at 619-578-7179. Members include Stefanie Benvenuto (Chair), Ryan Clumpner (Vice Chair), Dion Akers, Margaret, Johanna Hester, Kellee Hubbard, and Eugene "Mitch" Mitchell. The Housing Commission meets one or two Fridays per month at 9 a.m. at 1122 Broadway, fourth Floor, downtown San Diego. For specific questions regarding any item on the San Diego Housing Commission agenda, please contact or 619-578-7550. Agendas and reports are available at the San Diego Housing Commission Meetings page.
The Committee of the Whole shall be composed of all members of the Council. The Council President shall serve as Chair and the Council President Pro Tem shall serve as vice chair. This special issues committee shall have the responsibility to analyze, study, and evaluate a proposed resolution or ordinance, or to hold fact finding hearings, on any subject concerning City government that is beyond the scope of responsibility of any one standing committee or is adjudged by the Council President or Council to be more properly a concern of the entire Council. Proposals for City action in cooperation with other local government entities, including any actions to be taken on a regional basis, may be referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Inactive Committees
Ad Hoc Committee on the Recruitment of the Executive Director of the Commission on Police Practices
The Ad Hoc Committee on the Recruitment of the Executive Director of the Commission on Police Practices is temporary in nature and will be dissolved upon the appointment of the Commission on Police Practice's Executive Director. The Committee's areas of responsibility include obtaining input from community members on the skills and qualities desired in the Commission’s Executive Director, preparing recruitment-related documents and distributing them, conducting initial interviews with qualified candidates, making a recommendation regarding the final candidate or candidates who should be considered by the Council for appointment, and making any advisory recommendations on best practices related to the Ad Hoc Committee’s work for future needs of the City.
Agendas and Actions for Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee
Members | Marni von Wilpert (Chair), Raul Campillo (Vice Chair), Dennis Brown, Darlanne Hoctor Mulmat, Clovis Honore, and James Justus. |
When | View the Legislative Calendar for meeting dates. |
Where | City Council Chambers, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Reports | Council Administration
Ad Hoc Fire Prevention and Recovery Committee
As of Jan. 1, 2009, this Committee completed its one-year term. View archived Ad Hoc Fire Prevention and Recovery Committee Agendas, Actions and other documentation of the 2008 meetings, or view archived webcasts at CityTV24.
As of May 18, 2016, this Committee completed its eighteen month term. View archived Charter Review Committee Agendas, Actions and other documentation, or view archived webcasts at City TV24.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee’s Area of Responsibility includes the City’s COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery, including considering policy proposals, proposing legislation, monitoring and evaluating the impact and effectiveness of regulations enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, providing oversight and recommendations on the distribution of COVID-19 relief funding and programs, and engaging with the Office of the Mayor, regional partners, residents and businesses.
Agendas and Actions for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee
Members | Jennifer Campbell ( Co-Chair), Marni von Wilpert (Co-Chair), Stephen Whitburn, and Raul Campillo |
When | One to two Mondays per month at 9 a.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
Contact | Bridget Naso COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee Consultant 619-236-6655 |
More Info | Public Comment Form for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Committee meetings |
Government Efficiency and Openness Committee
As of Jan. 1, 2006, this Committee has merged with the Rules Committee. View archived Government Efficiency and Openness Committee Agendas, Actions and other documentation, or view archived webcasts at CityTV24.
Select Committee on Homelessness
As of November 15, 2018, this committee completed its two-year term. View archived Select Committee on Homelessness Agendas, Actions and other documentation, or view archived webcasts at CityTV24.
Select Committee on San Diego Housing Commission Oversight and Reform
The Select Committee on San Diego Housing Commission Oversight and Reform Area of Responsibility includes issues related to the relationship between the Housing Authority of the City of San Diego and the San Diego Housing Commission and the potential areas for reform identified by the Working Group in its memorandum dated December 21, 2021, including evaluation of San Diego Municipal Code section 98.0301, the respective roles and responsibilities of the Housing Authority and Housing Commission, including considering the composition, roles, responsibilities, and oversight structure of the Housing Authority and Housing Commission, evaluating the accountability of the Housing Commission to the Housing Authority and City, reviewing the role and responsibilities of the Housing Commission’s President and Chief Executive Officer, proposing legislative or policy changes, evaluating the impact and effectiveness of the existing structure, and engaging with impacted stakeholders.
Agendas and Actions for Housing Commission Oversight and Reform Committee.
Members | Stephen Whitburn (Chair), Chris Cate (Vice Chair), Joe LaCava, Marni von Wilpert |
When | One to two Mondays per month at 9 a.m. View the Legislative Calendar for specific dates. |
Where | City Council Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Administration Building |
| Juan Carlos Leyva |
More Info | Public Comment Form for Housing Commission Oversight and Reform Committee meetings |
For other questions or concerns, see the Frequently Asked Questions, call 619-533-3984, or email