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San Diego
Green Business

Green Business Network LogoSan Diego
Green Business Network

Our Partners

City of San Diego Environmental Services Department

Environmental Services logo

Environmental Services oversees the City of San Diego's waste disposal, management of energy, pursues innovative energy independence goals and works to advance more sustainable practices within the City and the community. As a partner with the San Diego Green Business Network, the Environmental Services Department oversees:

Miramar Landfill and Greenery

The Miramar Landfill and Greenery is San Diego's award winning landfill and green waste recycling facility which produces high quality compost, mulch and wood chips from collected yard trimmings and food scraps. Food waste generated at pre-approved commercial venues is also accepted at the Miramar Greenery for a discounted tipping fee. Learn more about commercial food waste recycling.

Recycling Works

Businesses in the City of San Diego generating four or more cubic yards of trash per week are required to recycle plastic and glass bottles and jars, paper, newspaper, metal containers and cardboard. Learn more about business recycling.

Environmental Services logo

City of San Diego Public Utilities Department

Public Utilities logo

The City of San Diego’s Public Utilities Department offers free landscape and water-use surveys for businesses to help determine where efficiencies can be made.

Public Utilities logo

San Diego Gas & Electric

SDG&E logo

Funding for the Green Business Network is provided by California utility customers and administered by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

SDG&E logo

Climate Collaborative of San Diego

SDG&E logo

The San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative works to inspire regional leadership and ensure a vibrant economy and healthy environment. The Collaborative’s goals are to address and prevent the harmful effects of climate change, promote a high quality of life for San Diegans and foster a green and growing economy.

SDG&E logo

The Center for Sustainable Energy

The Center for Sustainable Energy logo

The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) is a mission-driven nonprofit organization providing clean energy program design and management and technical advisory services. Headquartered in San Diego, CSE works nationwide in the clean energy industry with the support of offices in Los Angeles, Oakland and Boston. For over 20 years, CSE has been accelerating the transition to a sustainable world powered by clean energy.

The Center for Sustainable Energy logo

The San Diego Green Building Council

The San Diego Green Building Council logo

The San Diego Green Building Council (SDGBC) is an environmental nonprofit dedicated to providing education, outreach and advocacy surrounding green building in the San Diego community. SDGBC's vision is to ensure San Diego's buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. The SDGBC mission is to inspire, educate and collaborate within the San Diego community to transform the built environment toward true sustainability. The 10-year history of the organization is a testament to the dedication and passion of many volunteers and partners who have provided support over the years.

The San Diego Green Building Council logo