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City Council

Community Projects, Programs, and Services (CPPS) Funding Program

City Council Community Projects, Programs and Services (CPPS) funds are awarded to nonprofit organizations and public agencies for community, social, environmental, cultural, and recreational needs that serve lawful public purposes. The City Council's CPPS Funding Program is governed by Council Policy 100-06.

Funds granted to nonprofit organizations and public agencies are awarded at the discretion of each council office and are paid toward the end of the fiscal year.

FY25 CPPS Update

We are excited to announce that the tentative FY25 CPPS awards have been announced! Please remember that all awards are subject to Council approval and should be considered tentative until an executed funding agreement is entered.  

FY25 CPPS Award List (PDF)

FY25 CPPS Award List (Excel)

We are excited to announce that the tentative FY25 ACCF City Council awards have also been announced! Please visit the ACCF webpage for more information. 


The Fiscal Year 2025 application has been CLOSED. 

Each applicant is assigned one of two grades: 1) Qualified, or 2) Not Qualified. An applicant may apply for funding from multiple council offices within a single application. An applicant may submit multiple applications, but each must be for a single project, program, or service. Funding may be awarded by a council office based on a review of the "Qualified" application pool. Funding allocations are expected to be announced in October 2024. All funding awards to nonprofit organizations and public agencies must be approved by the full City Council.

NOTE: Not all "Qualified" applicants will receive funding awards. Funding awards are granted solely at the discretion of each council office and may be canceled at any time.

We recommend completing the application in one sitting. The Seamless Docs application software allows you to create an account and save your work; however, many applicants have experienced issues with this feature. Sometimes the information will not save, or applicants have issues logging back in. Council Administration cannot assist with tech support related issues such as resetting passwords. It is in your best interest to complete the application in full and submit within one session. 

FY25 CPPS Schedule

FY25 CPPS Overview PowerPoint

FY25 CPPS Overview Video

CPPS & ACCF Supplemental Document Tutorial Video

Detailed Application Instructions

FY25 CPPS Companion FAQ for Applicants

Complete applications consist of the following: 

  1. Standard Application
  2. Proof of nonprofit status with the IRS
  3. Proof of good standing with the CA Secretary of State
  4. Proof of good standing with the CA Attorney General
  5. IRS Form 990, 990EZ, or 990N
  6. IRS Form W-9
  7. Certification for a Drug Free Workplace Form
  8. EOC Workforce Report Form

Note: The application will prompt users to include items 2-5 as PDF attachments, while items 6-8 are required to be completed within the application form. Please be sure to complete all paperwork in full, or the process may be delayed. 

Applicants will receive a confirmation email from Seamless Docs after application submission. We are only accepting applications through the Seamless Docs platform. Please contact us immediately if you have issues accessing Seamless Docs. 

Applicants are encouraged to submit all required materials prior to the deadline to correct potential errors. Applications are evaluated on their completeness and fulfillment of the City of San Diego's contracting requirements.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements will be deemed “Not Qualified” and will enter a brief cure period. Council Administration will explain issues identified in the application, and applicants will have a short period to reach a "Qualified" status. Applicants unable to resolve any cited issues will be directed to resources to improve their competitiveness in future funding cycles.

Please note that not all qualified applicants will receive funding. Funding awards are made solely at the discretion of each council office, which has a limited CPPS budget in a given fiscal year. Please follow the application instructions carefully and contact Council Administration with any questions. We encourage applicants to contact council office CPPS representatives regarding their respective applications. Please see the contact information at the bottom of this page. 

FY24 CPPS Update: Reporting

All CPPS funding agreements in good standing have been approved and awards have been processed. Grantees may now file reporting documentation. We ask that you submit reporting documentation as soon as possible to ensure timely processing.

All grantees are required to submit the following:

  1. Expenditure Reporting Form (ERF)
  2. Supplemental Documentation
    1. Proof of Purchase (invoice, receipt, timecard, etc.)
    2. Proof of Payment (canceled check, bank/credit card statement, etc.)
  3. Final Performance Report

We ask that you combine reporting documents into a single PDF file and submit the form to our inbox at Please be reminded that all expenditures must have been incurred during the City’s Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Eligible expenses are those allowed under Council Policy 100-06 and closely related to the program activities described in Section 2 of the application as enclosed in the finalized funding agreement. All grantees will have until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, to submit reporting information.

Please utilize the following documents: 
Expenditure Reporting Form (ERF)

FY24 Reporting Instructions

FY24 Reporting Example

FY24 CPPS Information

We are excited to announce that among 279 applicants, 207 community organizations have been awarded CPPS funding for 231 unique projects totaling over $1.8 million in funding, an increase over FY23. Please see the following resources and contact your assigned grant coordinator for more information:

FY24 CPPS Award List

Grant Awardees should recognize that these allocations are tentative and are subject to approval by the full City Council.

FY24 CPPS Companion FAQ

FY24 CPPS Funding Program Schedule

Funding Awards


For questions, please email or contact Council Administration directly.

Council Administration
202 C Street, MS 10A
San Diego, CA 92101


FY25 CPPS & ACCF Council Office Representatives

Please click here to find out which Council District your organization is located in. 

Abigail Edwards
Grants Manager

Malachi Bielecki
Grants Coordinator