Pavement Restoration

Pavement restoration happens after undergrounding has taken place.
The fund that we use for utilities undergrounding cannot be used to repair existing conditions with the pavement, but it can be used to do any pavement restoration that is required by City regulations. The regulations that apply here are referred to as the Street Preservation Ordinance, or SPO, which the City has recently made several improvements to.
The new Street Preservation Ordinance broadens the amount of pavement repair that is required by any utility trench work. Under the old rules, the required repair extended only 6 inches on each side of the utility trench. Now the pavement repair must extend out to a larger area of impacted pavement; typically about 40 inches on each side of the trench. This will provide for a smoother, safer road surface and a longer lasting repair.
Where there are existing pavement concerns outside of the required repair area, we will coordinate with other paving funding sources to see if additional pavement improvements can be done at the same time. Engineering staff will assess pavement conditions and make recommendations for funding closer to the end of the undergrounding construction activities.
After Undergrounding Enhancements
- Street pavement restored
- Pedestrian curb ramps installed
- Streetlights energized
- Pole removal ceremony
- Tree planting assessment