Block 7T Pre-Construction Community Forum

On November 30, the Utilities Undergrounding Program (UUP) held a pre-construction utility forum to engage with residents in the Allied Gardens community. Transportation Deputy Director Chelsea Klaseus and Councilmember Raul A. Campillo kicked off the meeting and Janneth Vasquez led the presentation, providing details of the planned improvements and construction schedule. Subsequently, a panel comprising of representatives from City teams, including UUP, Urban Forestry, Development Services Department (DSD), and Engineering & Capital Projects (ECP), along with COX, AT&T, and SDG&E addressed specific questions from the 49 community members in attendance.
The project proposes to underground 3.23 miles of utility lines to provide new, secure, and dependable underground electrical, telephone, and broadband services, catering to 389 homes.

- 389 properties to convert
- Approximately 3.23 miles of overhead lines to convert
- Approximately 74 utility poles will be removed
- 46 Proposed streetlights per current City Standards
- 43 ADA Curb Ramp installations to be Installed