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Community Parking Districts (CPD)

Downtown Community Parking District

The Downtown CPD was established by the City in 1997 to invest in, and manage, public parking assets within downtown San Diego. The Downtown CPD’s goals are to increase and manage the existing supply of public on-street and off-street parking, enhance signage and way-finding, improve bike infrastructure, calm traffic, reduce congestion, promote walking and biking, and provide for pedestrian safety improvements as it pertains to managing parking and traffic, affecting and affected by parking meter zones. Once managed by Civic San Diego, the DCPD is now managed by the City of San Diego’s Sustainability & Mobility Department.  The Downtown Parking Management Group (DPMG) meets once per month.

DPMG Meeting Info

Uptown Community Parking District

The UCPD consists of approximately 1,191 single-space and 245 multi-space metered parking spaces. Uptown Partnership, Inc., a non-profit corporation, is the advisory board for the Uptown CPD which was created in 1997.

Mid-City Community Parking District

In 1997, the City created an overarching CPD for Mid-City with one advisory board which recommended and approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 1999.  Two constituent non-profit groups currently act as the responsible fiscal entities to manage the CPD Program for their respective geographic portions of the CPD. The El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association (ECBBIA) serves as the Greater Mid-City Community Parking District advisory group. University Heights Community Development Corporation (UHCDC) administers their respective portion of the district revenues.

Pacific Beach Community Parking District 

The newest Community Parking District is the Pacific Beach CPD.  Discover Pacific Beach, a non-profit corporation, is the advisory board for the Pacific Beach CPD.  The CPD was created in 2005 but no parking meters were installed.  The City Council approved a related parking meter zone within the CPD in 2021 and parking meters are planned for installation in 2-hour spaces within the business district along Garnet Avenue and surrounding streets in 2022-2023.