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Sustainability and Mobility

Zero Emissions Vehicles Programs

Electric vehicle being chargedThe City of San Diego’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) takes bold steps toward a more sustainable place to live, work and play. The CAP establishes a community-wide goal of net zero by 2035, committing San Diego to an accelerated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction trajectory.

The transportation sector is the most significant contributor to GHG emissions in the city. The CAP includes extensive and varied actions related to transportation, using a multi-pronged approach to reduce emissions from the sector.

CAP Strategy 2: Access to Clean and Renewable

Sets ambitious targets for City fleet vehicle conversion and aims to increase the number of electric vehicles in our communities.

CAP Measure 2.2

Established targets for our City fleet. By 2035, 100% of light-duty fleet vehicles and 75% of medium-duty and heavy-duty fleet vehicles will be electric.

CAP Measure 2.3

Established a target of 16% of all light-duty vehicle miles traveled to be electric by 2030, increasing to 25% by 2035.

To achieve the CAP goals and targets, the City is implementing a number of Zero Emissions Vehicles Programs.

Zero Emissions Vehicles Strategy  

The Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEV) Strategy serves as a guide for policy needs and opportunities, programs and process improvements, education and engagement, and critical partnerships to ensure equitable access and deployment of clean transportation solutions. It is designed to identify and address the short- and long-term opportunities and barriers to reaching the City’s ZEV goals. For more information about the ZEV Strategy, visit the program webpage

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Program  

The Public Electric Vehicle Charging Program (PEVCP) is a primary avenue the City is pursuing to advance our CAP goals and support the transition of City and local fleets to zero emissions. The PEVCP leverages City-owned parking lots to facilitate broader deployment of EV chargers throughout San Diego, creating a connected, accessible, and reliable EV charging network for the public and City employees and offering additional charging options for our light-duty fleet vehicles. For more information about the Public EV Charging Program, visit the program webpage.

Fleet Electrification Program  

Electrifying the City of San Diego’s 4,700 fleet vehicles is a key component to meeting the City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) goals, reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainability and enhancing air quality. The program focuses on replacing gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles with electric alternatives in 19 City departments, including public transportation, waste management, and utility services. Key components include investing in charging infrastructure, securing funding for vehicle procurement, and ensuring the operational feasibility of electric vehicles (EVs) to complete essential municipal tasks. For more information about fleet electrification, visit the program web page.

Off-Grid Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions  

The deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is critical to facilitate EV adoption and meet the City’s CAP targets. Off-grid EV charging solutions technologies offer a unique and equitable solution to meeting the forecasted infrastructure needs by filling gaps in the EV charging network. Off-grid chargers can help reduce impacts on the power grid, extend fleet trips, reduce range anxiety, facilitate EV charging in areas with grid connection challenges, and provide climate resilience solutions in grid-constrained areas and during natural disasters. For more about Off-Grid EV Charging Solutions, visit the program webpage