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Development Services

How to Apply for New Housing Projects

Assembly Bill 2234 “Post-Entitlement Phase” Projects

In compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 2234, this page provides information for applicants who want to learn how the City of San Diego's submittal requirements apply to various categories of residential projects: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Duplexes and Townhomes, Multifamily Dwellings and Mixed-Use projects. These categories of residential development are processed by Occupancy Groups below.

  1. Group R-2: Residential occupancies containing sleeping units or more than two dwelling units where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature, including multifamily units such as apartment houses and other nontransient residential uses. A Building Permit is used for this occupancy type. 
  2. Group R-3: Residential occupancies where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature and not classified as other Group R occupancies that do not contain more than two dwelling units. A Combination Building Permit is used for this occupancy type.
  3. Residential/Non-Residential Mixed Use: This project type combines Group R2 occupancies and other occupancy types. (To qualify for AB 2234, these projects must be at least 2/3 residential, as determined by square footage.)

This page summarizes the primary information and submittal requirements needed to complete the permit application, review and issuance process; sample residential projects are provided for guidance. It may not list all project submittal documents required for the project; other requirements may apply based on the proposed project. Review Information Bulletin 125 for an in-depth explanation of the permitting requirements for residential projects.

This page complies with AB 2234 (Cal. Govt Code sec. 65913.3), calling for publishing sample applications for "Post-Entitlement Phase Permits."

AB 2234 Qualified Residential Projects


Group R-3 | ADUs, Duplexes & Townhomes


  1. ADUs: An ADU is an attached or detached residential dwelling unit that is 1,200 square feet in size or less, providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing single dwelling unit or multiple dwelling unit.
  2. Duplex: This is a single structure that contains two residences connected to each other, either side by side or one on top and the other on the bottom.
  3. Townhome: A single-family dwelling unit in a townhouse that extends from foundation to roof and that has a yard or public way on not less than two sides.

Step I. Required Submittals at Initial Application

The following is a list of forms and submissions required for each application for residential development, regardless of product type. After staff conducts a  review for application completeness, applicants must pay plan review fees to allow staff to perform a review of the proposed project for conformance with the applicable regulations.

For Accessory Dwelling Unit projects, the use of permit-ready, no-cost building plans from the County of San Diego and the City of Encinitas Permit-Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit (PRADU) program are accepted. However, the plans must meet the City of San Diego submittal guidelines for a Building Permit.

  1. Building construction plan sets that include:
    • California Energy Code Documentation/Title 24 energy calculations.
    • Historical Resources information (If the structure is older than 45 years.)
    • A Site Plan Package: The site plan must demonstrate compliance with legal lot status, site accessibility, parking, distances of proposed construction to property lines and other structures, Landscape Regulations, Historic Resource Regulations, etc. in accordance with Information Bulletin 122 “How to Prepare a Site Plan.”
    • Architectural Sheets
    • Structural Sheets
    • Landscaping Sheets
  2. Structural Calculations
  3. Truss Calculations
  4. Declaration: Eligibility for Processing as a Postentitlement Phase Permit Housing Project (AB 2234) (DS-4107)
  5. Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklist (DS-560)
  6. Water Meter Data Card (DS-16)

Step II. Invoice Plan Check/Submittal Fees

Once all items in Step I have been submitted correctly, staff will generate an invoice to cover the Plan Check fees. View the fee schedule.

  1. View Sample Plan Check Fee Invoice for an ADU. 
  2. View Sample Plan Check Fee Invoice for a Townhome/Duplex.

Step III. Required Submittals After Review Completion for Permit Issuance

After individual engineering disciplines review the submitted application and approve the final plan set, here is a list of forms and required submissions so the plan set can be stamped and the permit issued upon final payment below in Step IV.  

  1. Project Contacts Form DS-345
  2. Owner-Builder Verification Form (DS-3042) This form must be completed and signed by the property owner if the owner obtains the permit as an “Owner-Builder.” Tenants/Lessees may not sign this form.
  3. A receipt or Certificate of Compliance from the respective school district showing school fees are paid, if applicable. View Sample School Certificate for an ADU. See Information Bulletin 146 for further information on School Fees.
  4. Waste Management Form This form is required for all construction, demolition and remodeling projects of greater than 1,000 square feet to divert construction and demolition debris from landfill disposal.

Step IV. Invoice Issuance/Inspection Fees 

Once all the items in Step III have been received by the City and processed, a final invoice will be generated to cover the inspection costs and applicable fees, including addressing, recordation fees,  surcharges and any associated fees prior to the permit being issued. View the fee schedule.

  1. View Sample Inspection/Issuance Fees Invoice for an ADU.
  2. View Sample Inspection/Issuance Fees Invoice for Townhomes/Duplex.  

Once the invoice has been paid, an inspection plan outlining the required inspections that will be needed for the approved project, the stamped Building Construction plans approved by the City, and a copy of the approval will be emailed to the applicant on file. With these documents, construction can begin. 

  1. Sample Inspection Plan
  2. Sample Approval  

Deferred Submittals: Submittals Allowed After the Permit is Issued

Review Information Bulletin 188 for more information about Deferred Submittals. 

  1. Deferred Trusses Calculations
  2. Deferred Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems
  3. Deferred Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Group R-2 | Multifamily Units

Multifamily units are more than two dwelling units in a single building. 

Step 1. Required Submittals at Initial Application

Regardless of the type of proposed residential project, here is a list of forms and required submissions that must be included with each application. After conducting a cursory review for application completeness, applicants must pay the plan review fees so different disciplines can review the entire application.

  1. Building Construction Plans that include:
    • California Energy Documentation/Title 24 energy calculations
    • Historical Resources information (If the structure is older than 45 years.)
    • Site Plan Package: The site plan must demonstrate compliance with legal lot status, site accessibility, parking, distances of proposed construction to property lines and other structures, Landscape Regulations, Historic Resource Regulations, etc. in accordance with Information Bulletin 122 “How to Prepare a Site Plan.”
    • Architectural Sheets
    • Structural Sheets
    • Landscaping Sheets (if necessary)
    • Electrical Sheets
    • Mechanical Sheets
    • Plumbing Sheets
  2. Structural Calculations
  3. Truss Calculations
  4. Declaration: Eligibility for Processing as a Postentitlement Phase Permit Housing Project (AB 2234) (DS-4107)
  5. Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklist (DS-560)
  6. Water Meter Data Card (DS-16)
  7. Hazardous Material Reporting Form (DS-165)

Step II. Invoice Plan Check/Submittal Fees

Once all items in Step I have been submitted correctly, staff will generate an invoice to cover the Plan Check fees. View sample Plan Check Fees InvoiceLearn more.

Step III. Required Submittals After Review Completion for Permit Issuance

After individual engineering disciplines review the submitted application, here is a list of forms and required submissions so the plan set can be stamped and the permit issued. 

  1. Project Contacts Form DS-345
  2. Owner-Builder Verification Form (DS-3042) This form must be completed and signed by the property owner if the owner obtains the permit as an “Owner-Builder.” Tenants/Lessees may not sign this form.
  3. A receipt or Certificate of Compliance from the respective school district showing school fees are paid, if applicable. View Sample School Certificate. See Information Bulletin 146 for further information on School Fees.
  4. Waste Management Form This form is required for all construction, demolition and remodeling projects of greater than 1,000 square feet to divert construction and demolition debris from landfill disposal.
  5. San Diego Regional Hazardous Materials Questionnaire

Step IV. Invoice Issuance/Inspection Fees

Once all the items in Step III have been received by the City and processed, a final invoice will be generated to cover the inspection costs and applicable fees, including addressing, recordation fees,  surcharges and any associated fees prior to the permit being issued. View sample Issuance/Inspections Fees InvoiceLearn more.

Once the invoice has been paid, an inspection plan outlining the required inspections that will be needed for the approved project, the stamped Building Construction plans approved by the City, and a copy of the approval will be emailed to the applicant on file. With these documents, construction can begin. 

  1. Sample Inspection Plan
  2. Sample Approval  

Deferred Submittals: Submittals Allowed After the Permit is Issued

Review Information Bulletin 188 for more information about Deferred Submittals. 

  1. Deferred Trusses Calculations
  2. Deferred Fire Sprinkler Systems
  3. Deferred Fire Alarm Systems
  4. Deferred Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Residential/Non-Residential | Mixed-Use Projects & Permanent Supportive Housing


  1. Mixed-Use Projects: This project type combines Group R2 occupancies and other occupancy types. (To qualify for AB 2234, these projects must be at least 2/3 residential.)
  2. Permanent Supportive Housing: These housing projects are for target populations linked to onsite or offsite services aimed at helping residents independently live, retain the housing, improve their health and maximize their ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.

Step 1. Required Submittals at Initial Application

Regardless of the type of proposed residential project, here is a list of forms and required submissions that must be included with each application. After conducting a cursory review for application completeness, applicants must pay the plan review fees so different disciplines can review the entire application.

  1. Building Construction Plans that include:
    • California Energy Documentation/Title 24 energy calculations
    • Historical Resources information (If the structure is older than 45 years.)
    • Site Plan Package: The site plan must demonstrate compliance with legal lot status, site accessibility, parking, distances of proposed construction to property lines and other structures, Landscape Regulations, Historic Resource Regulations, etc. in accordance with Information Bulletin 122 “How to Prepare a Site Plan.”
    • Architectural Sheets
    • Structural Sheets
    • Landscaping Sheets (if necessary)
    • Electrical Sheets
    • Mechanical Sheets
    • Plumbing Sheets
  2. Structural Calculations
  3. Truss Calculations
  4. Declaration: Eligibility for Processing as a Postentitlement Phase Permit Housing Project (AB 2234) (DS-4107)
  5. Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklist (DS-560)
  6. Water Meter Data Card (DS-16)
  7. Hazardous Material Reporting Form (DS-165)

Step II. Invoice Plan Check/Submittal Fees

Once all items in Step I have been submitted correctly, staff will generate an invoice to cover the Plan Check fees. View sample Plan Check Fees InvoiceLearn more.

Step III. Required Submittals After Review Completion for Permit Issuance

After individual engineering disciplines review the submitted application, here is a list of forms and required submissions so the plan set can be stamped and the permit issued. 

  1. Project Contacts Form DS-345
  2. Owner-Builder Verification Form (DS-3042) This form must be completed and signed by the property owner if the owner obtains the permit as an “Owner-Builder.” Tenants/Lessees may not sign this form.
  3. A receipt or Certificate of Compliance from the respective school district showing school fees are paid, if applicable. View Sample School Certificate. See Information Bulletin 146 for further information on School Fees.
  4. Waste Management Form This form is required for all construction, demolition and remodeling projects of greater than 1,000 square feet to divert construction and demolition debris from landfill disposal.
  5. San Diego Regional Hazardous Materials Questionnaire

Step IV. Invoice Issuance/Inspection Fees

Once all the items in Step III have been received by the City and processed, a final invoice will be generated to cover the inspection costs and applicable fees, including addressing, recordation fees,  surcharges and any associated fees prior to the permit being issued. View sample Invoice of Issuance/Inspections Fees by approval types. Learn more.

Once the invoice has been paid, an inspection plan outlining the required inspections that will be needed for the approved project, the stamped Building Construction plans approved by the City, and a copy of the approval will be emailed to the applicant on file. With these documents, construction can begin. 

  1. Sample Inspection Plan
  2. Sample Approval  

Deferred Submittals: Submittals Allowed After the Permit is Issued

Review Information Bulletin 188 for more information about Deferred Submittals. 

  1. Deferred Trusses Calculations
  2. Deferred Fire Sprinkler Systems
  3. Deferred Fire Alarm Systems
  4. Deferred Solar Photovoltaic Systems

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