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Katherine Olivia Sessions

Kate Sessions

Katherine Olivia 'Kate' Sessions (1857-1940) was an American botanist, horticulturalist, and landscape architect known as the 'Mother of Balboa Park'. As a nursery owner in 1892, she leased 30 acres for a nursery in the park. In exchange, she would plant 100 trees/year in Balboa Park and make 300 more available for planting around San Diego. She imported seeds from around the world and filled the park with cypress, pine, oaks, pepper trees, eucalyptus and jacaranda. Her nursery still exists and provides plants and trees for the park.


1. Photographs of Kate Sessions: 

Kate SessionsKate Sessions
Kate SessionsKate Sessions
1939 Kate O. Sessions

2. Documents & Newspaper: 

3. Additional Resource:

For Elementary School Students in Grade 1-3


  1. Analyze a Photograph         2. Analyze a Document

Lesson Objects:

  • Students will learn about the life and contributions of Kate Sessions, a pioneering botanist and environmentalist.
  • Students will understand the importance of plants and nature in our daily lives.

Lesson Preparation:

  • Photos, documents, and video of Kate Sessions
  • Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, paper)
  • Notebooks

Lesson Procedure:

  • Step 1: Introduction

- Begin with a brief discussion about the importance of plants and nature in our lives. Ask students to share their favorite plants.
- Introduce Kate Sessions as a pioneering botanist and environmentalist who made significant contributions to the development of parks and green spaces in San Diego. (Recommended Resource)
- Show photos of Kate Sessions and various plants to capture students' interest. Discuss her love for plants and how she transformed the landscape of San Diego with her passion.

  • Step 2: Students Activities

- Provide each student with a notebook. Take the students outside for a short nature walk or use the outdoor space if available.
- In their notebooks, ask students to observe and sketch different plants they encounter during the nature walk. Encourage them to write down any thoughts or feelings they have about the plants.
- Bring students back inside and allow them to share their observations with the class. Discuss the diversity of plant life and the importance of preserving nature.

  • Step 3: Conclusion​​​​​​

- Recap the key points about Kate Sessions and her contributions to nature.
- Emphasize the importance of taking care of plants and the environment.
- Encourage students to continue exploring and appreciating nature in their daily lives.
- Extended activities: Students can be organized to visit Balboa Park or Kate Sessions Park.


We would like to express our gratitude and fondness for this remarkable woman, as we reflect on her presence in Balboa Park, where the beautiful trees thrive, and the streets are adorned with blooming blue jacarandas.