North City Pure Water Project Draft Title 22 Engineering Report
The North City Pure Water Project is the first phase of the City of San Diego's Pure Water Program. The project is designed to augment Miramar Reservoir, which is a source of domestic drinking water supply, with purified water produced at the future North City Pure Water Facility. This Title 22 Engineering Report describes the City’s plan for compliance with the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Water Recycling Criteria, including Surface Water Augmentation regulations (CCR, 2017, in progress). This report is prepared in fulfillment with the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water requirements. The draft report and notice of public hearings are available at the links below.
North City Pure Water Project Final Title 22 Engineering Report
North City Pure Water Project Public Hearing Presentation
North City Pure Water Project Public Hearings Comments and Responses
North City Pure Water Project Public Hearings Comments and Responses (Public Health Protection)
Notice of Public Hearing on the North City Pure Water Project Draft Title 22 Engineering Report
Aviso de Audiencia Pública del Proyecto de North City Pure Water
Pure Water San Diego North City Project Final Environmental Impact Report
The City of San Diego Development Services Department and the Bureau of Reclamation have prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the Pure Water San Diego Program, North City Project. The Final EIR/EIS and associated technical appendices are available at the links below.
The draft EIR was available for public review and comment from Sept. 7, 2017, to Nov. 21, 2017. The draft EIS was available for public review and comment from Nov. 24, 2017, to Jan. 8, 2018. The Final EIR/EIS includes minor document revisions and a response to all comment letters received.
Pure Water San Diego North City Final EIR/EIS: Part 1 - Conclusion and Response to Comments
Pure Water San Diego North City Final EIR/EIS: Part 2 - Executive Summary, Chapters 1-5
Pure Water San Diego North City Final EIR/EIS: Part 3 - Chapters 6-11
Appendix A: Scoping Letter, NOP/NOI and NOP Comments
Appendix B: Air Quality Technical Report
Appendix C: Biological Technical Report - Part 1
Appendix C: Biological Technical Report - Part 2
Appendix C: Biological Technical Report - Part 3
Appendix C: Biological Technical Report - Part 4
Appendix D: Geology Reports - Part 1
Appendix D: Geology Reports - Part 2
Appendix D: Geology Reports - Part 3
Appendix E: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis
Appendix F1: Historical Resources Technical Report
Appendix F2: Cultural Resources Inventory Report
Appendix G: Water Quality Modeling: Miramar Reservoir
Appendix H: Noise Technical Report
Appendix I: Transportation Impact Report
Reference Document NC04B Pure Water Pipeline Alignment Alternatives
Water Purification Demonstration Project Project Report
Water Purification Demonstration Project - Project Report (74MB)
- Table of Contents and Introductory Materials (PDF)
- Section A: Introduction and Summary of Findings (PDF)
- Section B: Advanced Water Purification Facility (PDF)
- Section C: San Vicente Reservoir Study (PDF)
- Section D: Regulatory Coordination (PDF)
- Section E: Public Outreach and Education (PDF)
- Section F: Full-Scale Project Considerations (PDF)
- Section G: Summary and Conclusions (PDF)
- Section H: Project Report Approval (PDF)
- References and Contacts (PDF)
- Appendix A: Proposal to CDPH to Augment San Vicente Reservoir with Purified Recycled Water (PDF)
- Appendix B: California Department of Public Health Concept Approval Letter (PDF)
- Appendix C: San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Resolution of Support (PDF)
- Appendix D: Proposed Regional Water Quality Control Board Compliance Approach (PDF)
- Appendix E: San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Letter of Concurrence (PDF)
- Appendix F: Independent Advisory Panel Findings (PDF)
- Appendix G: Summary of Cost Assumptions (Section 8.4 of the City of San Diego 2012 Recycled Water Study) (PDF)
- Appendix H: Public Outreach and Education
- Introduction (PDF)
- Section 1: Planning, Research and Monitoring (PDF)
- Section 2: Education and Outreach Materials and Tools (PDF)
- Section 3: Community Outreach and Tours (PDF)
- Section 4: Social Media, Conferences and Awards (PDF)
- Section 5: Media Outreach (PDF)
- Section 6: Speakers Bureau (PDF)
- Section 7: Internal Department Communications (PDF)
- Appendix I: City Council Resolution (PDF)
Advanced Water Purification Facility Study Report
Advanced Water Purification Facility Study Report (40MB)
- Table of Contents and Introductory Materials (PDF)
- Executive Summary (PDF)
- Section 1: Introduction (PDF)
- Section 2: Demonstration Facility Description and Observations (PDF)
- Section 3: Full-Scale Facility Considerations (PDF)
- Section 4: Full-Scale Facility Conceptual Design (PDF)
- Section 5: Full-Scale Facility Estimated Costs (PDF)
- Section 6: References (PDF)
- Appendix A: Testing and Monitoring Plan (PDF)
- Appendix B: Quarterly Testing Report No. 4 (PDF)
- Appendix C: Full-Scale Reservoir Augmentation Capacity Analysis Technical Memorandum (PDF)
- Appendix D: Estimated Construction Cost Process Area Breakdown (PDF)
- Appendix E: Estimated O&M Cost Process Area Breakdown (PDF)
- Appendix F: Demonstration Facility Power Consumption (PDF)
Limnology and Reservoir Detention Study of San Vicente Reservoir
Limnology and Reservoir Detention Study of San Vicente Reservoir (18MB)
- Introduction and Contents (PDF)
- Technical Memorandum #1: Calibration of the Water Quality Model (PDF)
- Technical Memorandum #2: Hydrodynamic Modeling Study (PDF)
- Technical Memorandum #3: Nutrient and Algae Modeling Results (PDF)
- Technical Memorandum #4: Proposed Water Quality Monitoring Program (PDF)
Water Reuse Study
In January 2004, the San Diego City Council authorized a comprehensive evaluation of all viable options to maximize the usage of recycled water. The study also included analysis and research on the health effects of reuse options and a public participation process. The Reuse Study's stakeholders identified Reservoir Augmentation at the City's San Vicente Reservoir to be their preferred strategy. In October 2007, the San Diego City Council also recognized the North City-3 strategy, also known as San Vicente Indirect Potable Reuse, as their preferred alternative.
Study Mission: To pursue opportunities to increase local water supply and reliability, and optimize local water assets, through a comprehensive study of recycled water.
Study Objective: To conduct an impartial, balanced, comprehensive and science-based study of all recycled water opportunities so the City of San Diego can meet current and future water supply needs.