Financial Crimes
The Financial Crimes Unit investigates criminal offenses involving forgeries, check fraud, credit card fraud, embezzlements, computer crimes, bigamy cases and elder financial abuse cases.
- Only carry necessary personal documents and cards with you when shopping or traveling. Do not leave important documents and cards in your vehicle, even if it’s locked.
- Keep credit cards and other personal documents in a secure location both in your home and when you’re out.
- Never give out your information over the phone to a company or organization that you have not contacted or are expecting a call from. Phone scammers often pose as the IRS, Social Security offices, credit card companies, utility service representatives or other services you might think would be calling you.
- Collect your mail daily to prevent criminals from taking bank or credit card statements, utility bills, health care or tax forms or pre-approved credit card offers out of your mailbox.
- Review credit card and bank statements regularly to make sure your accounts do not have charges you did not authorize.
- Shred documents containing personal information before disposing of them so that criminals cannot get them from the dumpster or trash after you’ve thrown them out.
Additional resources are available from the state of California and federal partners:
- California Office of Privacy Protection
- Federal Trade Commission
- Internet Fraud Complaint Center
- Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
- National Fraud Information Center
Report City-Related Fraud, Waste or Abuse
The City Auditor’s Fraud Hotline is designed for reporting non-criminal suspected cases of fraud, waste or abuse involving City employees or vendors. Reports may be submitted anonymously and confidentially. Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation under State law and the San Diego Municipal Code.