Cold Case: Sherman Jennings

CASE DATE: January 14, 1999
4100 C Street
Sherman Jennings was a driver for the Yellow Cab Taxi Company.
At about 3:30 a.m. on January 14, 1999, a resident living at 4100 C Street was leaving for work when he noticed a Yellow Cab, apparently abandoned, parked across the street. The resident found the driver, Sherman Jennings, slumped forward in his seat. When the police arrived they discovered Jennings had suffered a fatal gunshot wound to his head.
Records from Yellow Cab indicated that the last call Jennings received was at 10:28 p.m. from a person identifying himself as Kevin Brown. The call was placed from a pay phone at the Euclid trolley station. Jennings probably picked up the fare at around 10:36 p.m., based on his meter activation. Nothing further was heard from Jennings until his body was found on C Street several hours later.