Lights On! Voucher Program
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The San Diego Police Department, in collaboration with Lights On!, is looking to make San Diego roads safer by offering drivers the opportunity to get broken lights on their vehicles fixed at no cost and in lieu of a citation.
The Lights On! voucher program is being implemented by law enforcement agencies across the nation and is now offered regionally by SDPD, Chula Vista Police Department, and the National City Police Department.
How It Works
Officers issue vouchers to drivers instead of tickets for burned-out headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals.
Local auto service providers fix the bulbs.
Lights On! coordinates all administration and reimbursement.
While officers will be issuing vouchers for the lighting equipment violations, they will still be able to act on other violations that may be present. It does not prohibit officers from requesting the person’s identification and checking police databases for any outstanding warrants.
Redeeming Your Voucher
Vouchers can be redeemed at participating locations for up to $250 for burned-out headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals.
If the repairs total more than $250, the remaining amount is the sole responsibility of the driver.
If the repairs cannot be completed by the participating auto service provider due to another issue with the vehicle, the repairs will be the responsibility of the driver. The voucher cannot be redeemed for cash value.
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If you’re a San Diego auto service provider and would like to participate, complete the online registration at
Supported by
By accepting the voucher, the recipient is in no way absolved of their legal responsibilities to repair their vehicle. The San Diego Police Department (SDPD) cannot be held liable for any repairs made or not made by the recipient of the voucher or owner of the vehicle. SDPD does not endorse any entity or organization who has agreed to participate in this program to provide the needed repairs, up to the specified amount.