Affordable Housing Parking Study

Fact Sheets
- Fact Sheet #1 (PDF)
- Fact Sheet #2 (PDF) Spanish Fact Sheet #2 (PDF)
On August 1, 2007, a parking workshop was held at a joint meeting of Land Use & Housing Committee and Planning Commission to address issues such as costs and associated impact on housing affordability.
- Workshop Report (PDF)
Based on an identified need to accurately determine the parking demand for affordable housing projects, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego (consisting of the City Planning & Community Investment department – Redevelopment Division, Centre City Development Corporation, and Southeastern Economic Development Corporation), along with the San Diego Housing Commission have embarked on the Affordable Housing Parking Study, and selected the consulting firm of Wilbur Smith Associates, Inc., for this project. A Project Working Group was formed to guide the consultants. The kick off meeting was held on January 29, 2010. Information on this study and its findings are included on this Web page.
Affordable Housing Brochure (PDF)
Affordable Housing Fact Sheet (PDF)
May 18, 2010, Public Workshop #1
- Presentation Slides (PDF)