Planning Group Support
Projected Completion: Ongoing

The City Planning Department supports planning groups by providing annual training for all planning group members on Council Policy 600-24, open meetings laws (Ralph M. Brown Act), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and development project review. This training also covers planning group members’ responsibilities while serving on a group, their role relative to the City’s Strategic Plan and the City Planning Department’s work program, as well as resources to implement inclusive community engagement. Ongoing support to planning groups is also provided by assigned community planners who advise on planning group operations and assist with discretionary project review, posting planning group agendas and minutes to the City Planning Department’s website and providing a yearly stipend to all planning groups to further their outreach and operations.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Supports planning groups’ continued operations in a manner that is transparent to the public, accessible to and inclusive of all community members, and effective in representing the diverse interests of their communities.