Interjurisdictional Coordination
Projected Completion: Ongoing

The City Planning Department plays a primary role in coordinating with various local, state and federal agencies in the region, including:
- San Diego County Regional Airport Authority to ensure land use planning is compatible with airport operations.
- California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to help identify future state mobility facility needs that support updated community plans.
- San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to ensure City planning efforts are consistent with the Regional Plan.
- California Department of Housing and Community Development to ensure compliance with State housing law and maintenance of the City’s status as a Pro-Housing jurisdiction.
- California Coastal Commission regarding updates to the City’s Local Coastal Program, including community plans and the Land Development Code.
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding implementation of the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Program Subarea Plan and Vernal Pool Habitat Conservation Plan.
- California State Office of Historic Preservation on the implementation of the City’s Heritage Preservation Program and maintenance of its status as a Certified Local Government.
- Port of San Diego to make sure community plans are consistent with the Port’s Master Plan.
- Local school districts on facility needs resulting from community plan updates.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This program focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Create Homes for All of Us
Ensures the City can continue to plan for home opportunities in all communities.
Advance Mobility & Infrastructure
Ensures mobility and infrastructure investments are delivered and maintained.
Champion Sustainability
Ensures the City’s plans align with the plans of partner agencies to achieve local, regional and global climate goals.
Foster Regional Prosperity
Furthers regional prosperity as plans are implemented.