Housing Solutions

In exchange for affordable housing and public amenities near transit, Complete Communities Housing Solutions offers a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) bonus. This is an opt-in bonus program where development density and height (with some exceptions) would be governed by a new FAR. This program provides an innovative new incentive program to stimulate the construction of housing and improve affordability and quality of life for all San Diegans by:
- Focusing housing construction within multi-family and mixed-use commercial areas served by transit (within Transit Priority Areas).
- Removing regulatory barriers to housing at all income levels, especially very low, low, and moderate-income households.
- Creating communities with market rate and affordable homes on the same site.
- Investing in neighborhood amenities such as recreational opportunities, linear, parks, urban plazas, cultural amenities, and promenades.
- Support communities of concern with additional funding to create needed neighborhood amenities.
Learn More
Complete Communities Housing Solutions Overview
Searchable Complete Communities: Housing Solutions Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Allowances Web Map
Complete Communities: Housing Solutions Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Allowances Map