Historic Resource Designation Nominations
Projected Completion: Ongoing

The City’s Municipal Code allows a process for nominations to have buildings, sites, objects, structures, cultural landscapes and districts designated as historical resources under one or more of the City’s Historical Designation Criteria. Criteria include an important association with a historically significant person or event, architectural significance, being designed or built by a significant architect or builder or having an important association with a specific aspect of San Diego’s development, such as historical, social, architectural or cultural development. The nomination must include a historic report that fully evaluates the building and its eligibility under the City’s Historical Designation Criteria. When a nomination is submitted, department staff reviews the nomination and dockets it for review by the City’s Historical Resources Board, which considers the nomination during a public hearing.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Facilitates the identification, designation and preservation of the City’s significant historical and cultural resources and heritage.