General Plan - Related Documents & Reports

- Manuals
- Workplan for Addressing Immediate and Long-Term Homelessness
- Housing Element Annual Reports
- Strategic Framework Element and Related Documents
- General Plan Background Studies
- Previous General Plan (1979)
Workplan for Addressing Immediate and Long-Term Homelessness Needs
The Mayor's Workplan for Addressing Immediate and Long-Term Homelessness Needs (November 2018) communicates the City's current efforts to serve individuals experiencing homelessness and provide those individuals with opportunities for stable housing. It describes the City's historical approach to homlessness and the significant efforts the City has undertaken in the last year.
The Workplan also sets forth how the City intends to maintain momentum in the coming months. The City is taking action to address known gaps in our systems, while helping to develop a strategy for the years ahaead. The Mayor will channel existing resources and state grant funding to add, improve, and expand upon the City's homelessness care system, with the objective of creating meaningful impact on the lives of these individuals in need. Have a look at the Workplan below:
Strategic Framework Element and Related Documents
- Strategic Framework Element (2002)
- A Commitment to Public Involvement - Outlines the public outreach process designed for the Strategic Framework Element
- Strategic Framework Element Final Environmental Impact Report
- Five-Year Action Plan (2002) - The implementation program for updating the General Plan, amending community plans, and identifying other steps necessary to execute the City of Villages growth strategy.
General Plan Background Studies
- A Commitment to Public Involvement - Outlines the public outreach process designed for the Strategic Framework Element.
- City of San Diego Facilities Financing Study, August 2002 - This study was prepared by an independent municipal finance adviser and recommends possible financing options based on comparisons with other California cities.
- Community and Economic Development Strategy, 2002-2004 - This city report focuses on San Diego's economy and recommends ways to improve it.
- Affordable Housing Task Force Final Report - June 18, 2003