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City Planning Department

Citywide Development Impact Fee Nexus Studies Updates

Projected Completion: 2027

People at the playground in Montgomery-Waller Park

The City charges development impact fees pursuant to the Mitigation Fee Act (California Government Code §66000 et seq.) to fund public facilities needed to serve or mitigate the effects of new development. With the adoption of the Parks Master Plan and Build Better SD, the funds contribute toward the following types of public facilities: Parks, Mobility, Library and Fire-Rescue. Nexus studies were prepared for each of the four public facility types, which looked at the cost of the public facilities needed and the nature and size of the proposed development to establish each fee. The nexus studies identify the fair share cost of the needed capital infrastructure that is attributed to new development based on a standard metric. The Development Impact Fee nexus studies for Parks, Mobility, Library and Fire-Rescue were completed in 2021-2022. Regular updates to the nexus studies are needed to ensure that development is funding the appropriate and proportional amount toward public facilities and infrastructure.

Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus

This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:

Create Homes for All of Us

Facilitates the construction of infrastructure that supports new homes in our communities.

Advance Mobility & Infrastructure

Establishes Development Impact Fees by identifying a fair share cost of infrastructure improvements needed to support new homes and jobs.