Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus

This program focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:

Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood

Ensures all community members can provide their input regarding infrastructure needs.

Champion Sustainability

Facilitates infrastructure that sustains our natural environment and public health.

Advance Mobility & Infrastructure

Provides guidelines to prioritize infrastructure where it is most needed, for the enjoyment of all community members.

Why participate in the infrastructure priorities process?

Water Play Public SpaceInfrastructure is not just the buildings, roads and spaces surrounding us—it is the essential fabric that connects us to opportunity. Our city's infrastructure - roads, sidewalks, parks, libraries, fire stations, water facilities and more - shapes the health, safety, economic vibrancy, environmental well-being and overall quality of life in our neighborhoods.

Because of this, equitable infrastructure investment is essential to achieving equal opportunity for employment, health, education, recreation and more for all San Diegans. The City wants your input to help prioritize infrastructure investment and ensure it goes where it best meets community members' needs and improves their lives.

How can you shape infrastructure in your community?

Prioritization Chart

The San Diego City Council adopted updates to policies 800-14 and 000-32 in 2022 to ensure infrastructure is constructed that best meets people’s needs and improves their lives.

Community participation is essential to achieving these goals. City staff and partner organizations will regularly engage community members across the city through surveys, workshops, and mobile engagements. This will help us learn about infrastructure priorities and equitably prioritize projects. It will help guide the annual Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget and the Five-Year Capital Infrastructure Planning Outlook.

Both are the City’s road map for public infrastructure investment.

Kids in Bike LaneInfrastructure will be prioritized in communities to address the following:

  • Infrastructure deficiencies.
  • Areas with the greatest needs.
  • Areas that service the most people and are experiencing the most growth.

How will your project idea go through the infrastructure priorities process?

  1. Any community member - through various methods - submits a project idea to City Planning. These ideas are then grouped by type and sent to the responsible department. (e.g., Park improvements go to the Parks and Recreation Department.)
  2. Departments use ideas to prepare a five-year infrastructure plan based on factors such as operational feasibility, legal requirements, Council input, alignment with existing plans and policies, community input, and prioritization factors in Council Policy 800-14, such as equity, sustainability, and public safety.
  3. Plans are incorporated into the Citywide Five-Year Capital Infrastructure Planning Outlook, which summarizes the funding needs for the projects in each department plan. Once the Five-Year Capital Infrastructure Planning Outlook is adopted, the City will post a public report detailing each community’s priorities and which projects were included in the plan. 

For more information about the CIP, visit the CIP webpage and refer to A Citizen’s Guide to Infrastructure by the City of San Diego. To learn more about how the CIP budget is developed, visit the CIP budget webpage.

How are projects in the CIP budget prioritized?

  • Preservation of public safety
  • Legal requirements or mandates
  • Condition Assessment
  • City plans
  • Community input
  • Input from Council offices

How are projects funded in the CIP budget?

  • City Infrastructure Fund
  • General Fund
  • Grants
  • Enterprise funds (eg. water, sewer, golf, airports)
  • Mission Bay and Regional Park Improvement Funds
  • TransNet Funds
  • Development Impact Fees
  • Climate Equity Fund
  • Developer Contributions
  • Others

Share your priorities for your community at an upcoming engagement!

The City and partner organizations host various engagement events to gather community input on infrastructure priorities. You can check this webpage for updates on future engagement opportunities in your community. Can’t make it to an engagement event? No problem; we welcome you to share your ideas when it is most convenient for you!

Engagement Timeline


Help shape the future of your community!

Cell Phone Survey

Take the online survey now to enter your infrastructure project ideas directly.

Here is a tutorial on how to take the survey.

Survey entries are collected annually in August to be analyzed and considered for the following Five-Year CIP Outlook.

Take the Survey

Sign Up Icon

Sign up for infrastructure priorities engagement updates below.

Fill out the short form below to be among the first to know updates on this initiative.




Workshop Icon

Join us at a public workshop or pop-ups to discuss your priorities for public infrastructure in your community.

Thank you to those who have participated in our workshops. Stay tuned for future events!

Mobile Engagements Icon

Review the Ideas Collected Map and Summary Report.

See the community feedback collected last year via the link below:

Community Feedback Map

You can also see the Summary Report with departments' responses through the link below:

Infrastructure Priorities Summary Report



To facilitate learning about Infrastructure Priorities,
easily sharable materials have been developed and are linked below.


Questions? Send us an email at