Torrey Pines City Park
General Development Plan

Torrey Pines City Park is located at 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, and is commonly known as the "Torrey Pines Gliderport." A Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board was established to serve in an advisory capacity to the Park & Recreation Board and provide input to the City during the preparation of the General Development Plan (GDP) for the Torrey Pines City Park, in compliance with Council Policy 600-33. The GDP is the conceptual/master plan for the park’s design and will be used as the exhibit on which the future construction plans will be based. The GDP was approved by the Park & Recreation Board on June 21, 2012. The Advisory Board has fulfilled its responsibilities and is no longer active. See below for project history.
Scheduled Meetings
Community Parks I Committee
Doyle Recreation Center, 8175 Regents Road
Design Review Committee
Balboa Park Club, Santa Fe Room, Balboa Park
June 21, 2012
Park and Recreation Board
City Council Committee Room, 202 C St.
June 21, 2012 Torrey Pines City Park General Development Plan (PDF)
Existing and Proposed Exhibit (PDF)
Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF)
2010 Workshops
2009 Workshops
November 19, 2009 Workshop Presentation (PDF: 6.3M)
October 15, 2009 Workshop Presentation (PDF)
August 20, 2009 Public Workshop (PDF)
August 20, 2009 - General Development Plan Presentation (PDF)
June 18, 2009 – Workshop Presentation (PDF)
May 20, 2010 (PDF)
February 18, 2010 (PDF)
November 19, 2009 (PDF)
October 15, 2009 (PDF)
September 17, 2009 (PDF) Meeting Canceled
August 20, 2009 (PDF)
July 16, 2009 (PDF)
June 18, 2009 (PDF)
May 21, 2009 (PDF) Meeting Canceled
April 18, 2009 (PDF) - Special Meeting
April 16, 2009 (PDF) - Doyle Recreation Center
March 19, 2009 (PDF) - Meeting Canceled
February 19, 2009 (PDF)
January 15, 2009 (PDF)
November 20, 2008 (PDF)
October 16, 2008 (PDF)
September 18, 2008 (PDF)
May 20, 2010 (PDF) DRAFT
February 18, 2010 (PDF)
October 15, 2009 (PDF)
August 20, 2009 (PDF)
July 16, 2009 (PDF)
June 18, 2009 (PDF)
April 16, 2009 (PDF)
February 19, 2009 (PDF)
January 15, 2009 (PDF)
November 20, 2008 (PDF)
October 16, 2008 (PDF)
September 18, 2008 (PDF)