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City Planning Department

Land Development Code Updates in Process

Watercolor SkylineThe Land Development Code (LDC) contains regulations for the development and use of property, including zoning, subdivisions and other related land use activities. The City Planning Department monitors and continually updates the code to simplify and streamline the permitting processes, assure compliance with state and federal regulations, eliminate unnecessary barriers, redundancies and contradictions, and the code with the City's climate, equity, and housing goals.

For questions about LDC updates, please email

2024 Land Development Code Update

The 2024 LDC Update contains 99 proposed amendments. There are 72 Citywide amendments and 27 Downtown amendments. 

2024 Citywide Amendments

2024 LDC Update - Citywide List 

2024 LDC Update - Citywide Code Language

2024 Downtown Amendments

2024 LDC Update - Downtown List

2024 LDC Update - Downtown Code Language 

Public Hearings

City Council Meeting  

On July 1, 2024, the City Council voted unanimously (8-0-1) to recommend approval of the proposed 2024 Update to the San Diego Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program and a Public-Right-of-Way in Lieu Resolution.

Land Use and Housing Committee Meeting 

On May 17, 2024, the Land Use and Housing Committee voted unanimously (4-0-0) to recommend approval of the proposed 2024 Update to the San Diego Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program with the revisions included in the memorandum dated May 16, 2024, presented by staff.

Planning Commission 

On April 30, 2024, the Planning Commission voted unanimously (5-0-1) to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed 2024 Update to the San Diego Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program and recommend to the City Council approval of staff’s amendments in the memo dated April 29, 2024, presented by staff and the City Attorney's language on item 48 (Consolidating of Processing).

Get Involved!

Public Comments on the Draft Documents 

A comment portal was made available to invite the public to comment on the draft documents for the 2024 LDC Update. The comment portal is now closed. Public comments, questions, and corresponding responses can be found here.

We continue to value input. If you missed the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft documents through the comment portal, please email the LDC team at Please note that any comments and questions emailed to the team will not be uploaded online.

Public Workshops 

Two public workshops, with identical information presented at both, were held in February and March to gather input and answer questions on the 2024 LDC Update.

  • Workshop - Virtual

        Thursday, February 29, 2024

        2024 LDC Update Virtual Workshop PowerPoint 02/29/24

        Virtual Workshop Recording (passcode: ^$E6sKej)  

  • Workshop - In Person    

         Monday, March 11, 2024

         2024 LDC Update In-Person Workshop PowerPoint 03/11/24

Current Single-Issue Updates

The Housing Policy team processes single-issue updates and amendments to the LDC as needed. For various reasons, including time sensitivity and/or complexity, single-issue updates may be processed separately from a comprehensive code update.

There are no single-issue LDC updates currently being processed. 

Planning for the Next LDC Update

If you want to submit a code amendment request for the next LDC update, the submission portal is open until September 15, 2024. Please visit the Code Update Request webpage to submit your idea.