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City Planning Department

Historic Preservation Planning

Welcome! The City of San Diego recognizes the benefits of historical resource preservation to the community as well as to individual property owners. Preservation efforts stabilize neighborhoods, promote cultural heritage tourism, and contribute to a vibrant, diverse and dynamic urban landscape, among other benefits.

Nominations for the 2025 Preservation Awards are now open! 

The City of San Diego is now accepting applications for the 2025 Preservation Awards. 

For more information, view the flyer!

The nomination form can be found here and should be emailed to prior to February 28, 2025.

The Preservation Awards will be held prior to the May Historical Resources Board meeting. 

Historic Preservation Program Structure

The City’s historic preservation program is responsible for the City’s long range planning efforts, development of new ordinance and regulations and implementing policies and regulations through permitting.

The Historic Preservation Program is responsible for:

  • Development of long-range planning policies and implementing regulations;
  • Development of new historic contexts and surveys;
  • Designation of new historic districts;
  • Review of projects impacting designated and potential historic resources;
  • Designation of individually significant historic resources;
  • The City’s Mills Act program; and
  • Staffing the City’s Historical Resources Board and its subcommittees.

Historic Preservation Planning Section Program Components

Explore and learn more about the various components of the Historic Preservation Planning Section's work program.

Long-Range Planning Efforts

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Historic Preservation Element of all long-range planning documents. This includes the City’s General Plan and more than 50 Community Plans. Read more about the Historic Preservation Planning section's work on long-range planning efforts.

Historic Preservation Regulations and Ordinances

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of all regulations and ordinances related to the identification and preservation of historical and cultural resources. This includes the Historical Resources Regulations of the Land Development Code, as well as the Historical Resources Guidelines of the Land Development Manual and its associated appendices. Read more about the Historic Preservation Planning section's work on regulations and ordinances.

Historic Context Statements and Historic Surveys

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of all historic context statements and historic resource reconnaissance surveys. Read more about the Historic Preservation Planning section's work on historic context statements and surveys.

Designation of New Historic Districts

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for the identification and designation of new historic districts throughout the City. Read more about the Historic Preservation Planning section’s work on the designation of new historic districts.

Review of projects impacting designated and potential historic resources

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for reviewing permit applications for development on any parcel containing a structure that is 45 years or older and not located within an area that is identified as exempt. This section also reviews projects on parcels within individually designated historic resources or projects located within designated historic districts. 

Designation of individually significant historic resources

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for taking individual resources with historic significance to the Historic Board for designation.

The City's Mills Act Program

The Historic Preservation Planning section is responsible for working with property owners of qualified historical properties who actively participate in the restoration and maintenance of their historic properties to enter a contract to receive property tax relief.

Staffing the City's Historical Resources Board and its subcommittees

The Historic Preservation Planning section staff attend City’s Historic Resources Board and subcommittees, prepare the agenda and present items to the board and its subcommittees for recommendation and approval.

Do you have questions about the work of Historic Preservation Planning section? Please contact us at