February 2017
February 23, 2017
PC-17-018 - Central Village Specific Plan
PC-17-017 - 320 West Cedar
PC-17-017 - Attachment A - Project Data Sheet
PC-17-017 - Attachment B - Findings from Applicant
PC-17-017 - Attachment C - London Reports 9/22/16 and 12/7/16
PC-17-017 - Attachment D - KMA Review
PC-17-017 - Attachment E - Public Correspondence
PC-17-017 - Attachment F - Public Correspondence
PC-17-017 - Attachment G - Downtown FEIR Consistency Evaluation & MMRP
PC-17-017 - Attachment H - Ownership Disclosure
PC-17-017 - Attachment I - Historical Resources Board Staff Report
PC-17-017 - Attachment J - 016-39_DRAFT PERMIT_2-1-17
PC-17-017 - Attachment K - DRAFT RESO_2-14-17
PC-17-017 - Attachment L - Drawings 12/5/16
PC-17-016 - Pacific Highlands Ranch Units 8 and 9
PC-17-015 - Del Mar Highlands Estates
PC-17-013 - 1122 4th Avenue (California Theatre)
PC-17-013 - 1122 4th Ave Drawings - optimized
PC-17-013 - Attachment A - Project Data Sheet
PC-17-013 - Attachment B - SEIR
PC-17-013 - Attachment C - Architectural Narrative
PC-17-013 - Attachment D - Public Correspondence
PC-17-013 - Attachment E - London Group Analysis
PC-17-013 - Attachment F - Peer Review of Economic Alternatives Analysis KMA
PC-17-013 - Attachment G - SDP Findings
PC-17-013 - Attachment H - CCPDO-DCP EO Figures
PC-17-013 - Attachment I - DCP Hist Pres
PC-17-013 - Attachment J - Ownership Disclosure
PC-17-013 - Attachment K - HRB Staff Report
PC-17-013 - Attachment L - Draft Permit
PC-17-013 - Attachment M - Draft Reso DP
February 16, 2017
PC-17-019 - North Park Zoning Correction and LDC Amendments related to Parking Regulations
PC-17-012 - Towne Centre Drive
PC-17-008 - Verizon 805 and 15
February 2, 2017
PC-17-004 - Verizon North Park
PC-17-003 - Cavallo Duplex
PC-17-002 - AT&T Montgomery High
Ethics Training for Planning Commission Part 1
Ethics Training for Planning Commission Part 2