October 2016
October 27, 2016
PC-16-063 University Community Plan Amendment
PC-16-063 Attachment 1 - Draft Ucp Transportation Element CPA
PC-16-063 Attachment 2 - University Community Planning Area
PC-16-063 Attachment 3 - Final Program Environmental Impact Report
PC-16-063 Attachment 4 - UCPG Minutes July 12, 2016
PC-16-063 Attachment 5 - Staff Recommended Revisions to Attachment 1
PC-16-078 Crown Castle Tommy Drive
PC-16-079 7th & Market (Combined Staff Report & Attachments)
PC-16-083 T-Mobile Redwood Standpipe
PC-16-085 Southeastern San Diego Annexation - County Island
PC-16-085 Attachment A - 15162 Memo Greenwood Annexation
PC-16-085 Attachment B - Final Cost Breakdown Storm Water
PC-16-085 Attachment C - General Plan Amendments (Part 1)
PC-16-085 Attachment C - General Plan Amendments (Part 2)
PC-16-085 Attachment D - Community Plan Amendments (Part 1)
PC-16-085 Attachment D - Community Plan Amendments (Part 2)
PC-16-085 Attachment D - Community Plan Amendments (Part 3)
PC-16-085 Attachment D - Community Plan Amendments (Part 4)
PC-16-085 Attachment E - RS-1-1 AR-1-2 Comparison
PC-16-085 Attachment F - c976_Greenwood_Annexationx
PC-16-085 Attachment G - Community Plan General Plan Amendment Resolution
PC-16-085 Attachment H - Rezoning Ordinance
October 13, 2016
PC-16-004 Arco Murphy Canyon
PC-16-083 T-Mobile Redwood Standpipe
PC-16-086 High Occupancy Single Dwelling Unit Ordinance Applicable Citywide and Within College Area
PC-16-086 High Occupancy Ordinance - Strikeout (100316-2)
Discussion of The Permanent Rules of the Planning Commission (Memo)
October 6, 2016
PC 16-067 San Ysidro Community Plan Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan San Ysidro Historic Village Specific Plan
PC-16-062 Uptown Community Plan Update
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 1 - Draft Uptown Community Plan June 2016
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 2 -Summary of Community Planning Group Recommendations
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 3 - Final Program Environmental Impact Report
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 4 - Draft PEIR Findings
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 5 - Draft PEIR Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOCs)
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 6 - Draft Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP)
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 7 - Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone Maps
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 8 - Climate Action Plan Conformance Evaluation
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 9 - White Paper - Estimating Community Plan Update Contributions Towards Climate Action Plan Goals
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 10 - Draft Uptown Impact Fee Study
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 11 - DRAFT Zoning Map (C-Sheet)
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 12 - Potential Historic District Factsheet_Issues_Prioritization
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 13 - Uptown Comment Topics
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 14 - Community Plan Document Edits since June 2016
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 15 - Draft Resolution Amending the Uptown Community Plan and General Plan
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 16 - DRAFT Resolution Certifying EIR_MMRP_FINDINGS_SOCs
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 17 - Draft Ordinance - Repealing Mid-Cities Communities Planned District Ordinance
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 18 - Draft Ordinance - Repealing West Lewis Street Planned District Ordinance
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 19 - Draft Rezone Ordinance
PC-16-062 ATTACHMENT 20 - Amendment to the Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone