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Parks & Recreation

Open Space Community Advisory Committees

Open Space Community Advisory Committees (CAC)

The role of CACs is to make recommendations to City Council, the Department, and its various boards with respect to Open Space programs and maintenance and to provide recommendations on the expenditure of funds (Mission Trails Regional Park only). The City does not delegate any authority to Advisory Groups to act on behalf of the City. Advisory Groups are generally voluntarily created and maintained by their members. Exceptions to that are the Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Community Advisory Committee, MTRP Task Force, and the Open Space Canyons Advisory Committee, which were created by City Council action. Also, the Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP) Citizens’ Advisory Committee, and the OVRP Policy Committee were created as part of a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the County of San Diego and City of Chula Vista, and approved by City Council action.

Advisory Groups are subject to California’s Open Meeting Law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code sections 54950 through 54963 (Brown Act)

Agendas will be posted at least 72 hours prior to each meeting and the links for meeting agendas are provided below. Agendas will contain information pertaining to meeting dates, times, the informational and action items to be discussed, instructions for providing public comment during the meeting, and a link to view public meetings live through YouTube.

For advisory group agendas, please select from the following list:

Black Mountain Park Citizens’ Advisory Committee

Information will be posted when available.