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Budget Signing

Mayor Gloria Signs Ready to Rebuild Budget


Mayor Gloria Signs Ready to Rebuild Budget


Friday, June 17, 2022


SAN DIEGO Mayor Todd Gloria today was joined by members of the City Council to sign his Ready to Rebuild budget for the fiscal year that begins on July 1. The $5.06 billion budget, which received unanimous approval by the Council on Monday, marks the largest investment in infrastructure in City history, fully funds public safety and allocates significant resources toward improving the speed and quality of City of San Diego services.

If budgets are statements of values and priorities, then my Ready to Rebuild budget attests to how much we cherish this city and the people who call it home, Mayor Todd Gloria said. This final spending plan for the coming fiscal year provides the resources to enhance residents everyday lives while also making prudent long-term investments in infrastructure that will ensure we are truly building a better future for all of us.

Upgrades to San Diegos water, sewer and stormwater together comprise the most substantial portion of the infrastructure spending, with $349 million of the $808.9 million Capital Improvements Program going to Phase 1 of Pure Water the water recycling program that will supply nearly half of San Diegos drinking water by 2035 while cutting in half the amount of treated sewage discharged into the ocean.

The budget also includes another $343 million to upgrade and repair existing water and sewer infrastructure, including pumps, treatment plants, pipelines and reservoirs.

The budget increases street resurfacing funding by $14.3 million for a total of $77 million in the coming fiscal year, with another $12.8 million to fix sidewalks in 600 locations around the city, improve traffic flows at intersections and remove graffiti and weeds.

In the May revision of the proposed budget, Mayor Gloria added $547,000 to fund a new conservatorship unit within the City Attorneys office; $331,000 to fund the Citys first Chief Behavioral Health Officer to assist paramedics with clients in need of mental health services; and $5.4 million for additional shelter options and Safe Haven beds for San Diegans experiencing homelessness who have co-occurring behavioral health and substance-abuse disorders.

What others are saying:

Rep. Juan Vargas, Californias 51st Congressional District:
Today, I join Mayor Gloria and City Council Members in celebrating the new City of San Diego budget. This $4.9 billion plan includes millions in federal pandemic aid from the American Rescue Plan, which I was proud to champion in Congress last year. This new budget will allow the City of San Diego to address important issues facing our community including investments in homelessness prevention and outreach, increased funding for underserved neighborhoods, and efforts to bolster racial equity across our region. Im proud to support Mayor Gloria and his work to deliver for the City of San Diego.

Rep. Scott Peters, Californias 52nd Congressional District:
The name for San Diegos budget for fiscal year 2023, Ready to Rebuild, reflects the commitment of Mayor Gloria and our citys leadership for a better future. With $299.7 million from the American Rescue Plan, San Diego is able to use robust support from the federal government to improve local infrastructure, reduce homelessness, and target our regions most pressing priorities.

City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera, District 9:
San Diego residents need and deserve a budget that addresses their immediate needs while also setting the City up for success in the future, and I thank the Mayor and my City Council colleagues for striking that balance. From our investment in homelessness response and prevention to increased funding for infrastructure, to the investment in City workers who do the work we depend on, I am proud of the budget we've unanimously approved, and can't wait to see our communities receive the improved services and quality of life that should follow.

Councilmember President pro Tem Monica Montgomery Steppe, District 4:
From expanding broadband access throughout the City to substantial investments in infrastructure for our historically under-resourced communities, the Ready to Rebuild budget moves our City forward in the commitment to equity. I'm especially pleased to see the inclusion of funding for improvements to Marie Widman Park and the restoration of full funding for Arts and Culture. I commend the Mayor for collaborating on a comprehensive budget that supports District 4 and all San Diegans.

Councilmember Joe La Cava, District 1:
This budget includes critical, long-awaited investments in our City workforce including increased salaries for our police officers, firefighters, and lifeguards. It further adds seven new fulltime lifeguard positions to increase communication, safety, and oversight during nighttime emergencies. I thank the Mayor and team for proposing a thoughtful and balanced budget.

Councilmember Dr. Jennifer Campbell, District 2:
"I want to thank Mayor Gloria for the FY 2023 budget which will address key issues in District 2, including homelessness, housing, infrastructure, mental health and more. I am happy to see funding for the Sidewalk Vendor and Short Term Rental Ordinances, the Conservatorship and Treatment Unit, sidewalk and streetlight repairs, homeless services, mental health resources, and specific shelters for seniors and LGBTQ+ youth. Im confident that Mayor Glorias budget will make San Diego a better place for all San Diegans.

Councilmember Stephen Whitburn, District 3:
This budget takes a significant step toward ending widespread homelessness in San Diego. It funds prevention, outreach, shelter, services and enforcement. It will help renters stay in their homes, assist people experiencing homelessness, and provide resources to free our sidewalks and parks of encampments and keep them clean so that all San Diegans can use them for their intended purpose.

Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, District 5:
I thank my Council colleagues and the Mayor for working together to pass a budget which makes historic investments in our infrastructure, addresses homelessness and addiction, increases fire preparedness and much more to ensure a thriving city for generations to come.

Councilmember Chris Cate, District 6:
"The budget for Fiscal Year 2023 has something for all San Diegans in each neighborhood and Council District. We are ready to repave streets, repair sidewalks, improve our community parks and libraries, increase our reserves, and ensure our public safety departments have the resources they need to keep our families and streets safe. As Chair of the Budget Committee, Ive worked with Mayor Gloria, my colleagues on the City Council, and the IBA toward a budget that both protects the core City services San Diegans cannot live without and also puts us in a strong position to manage unanticipated obstacles. While there is always more work to be done, I'm proud of what we have accomplished during this process.

Councilmember Raul Campillo, District 7:
From items such as such as the San Carlos Library and an unleaded fuel tank at Montgomery Gibbs Airport, to citywide services including emergency shelter services for LGBTQ+ youth and a Housing Stability Fund, its clear that the Fiscal Year 23 Budget will invest in the communities of District 7 and the City of San Diego as a whole. I thank Mayor Gloria for listening to the needs of our various communities and signing a budget that will help San Diegans. I was proud to advocate for all of the working families and residents whose lives will be improved by this budget.
