Inside San Diego

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News & information from the City of San Diego

Inside San Diego Articles by Archive Month

La Ciudad de San Diego pide que residentes usen una forma alternativas para transportarse por la ciudad. Tome un autobs o tranva, en bicicleta o camine a donde tenga que ir. De cualquier manera, participen en #TransitTuesday o Martes de Transito.

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If you have been to Mission Bay recently, you may have noticed some work going on. This spring the Public Works Department began the Mission Bay Navigational Safety Dredging Project.

The project will dredge material from the bottom of the bay to keep the bay safe for boaters. The dredged…

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Steven is one of the 20 employees who walks miles a day to read water meters in neighborhoods across the City.

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Clean SD a citywide cleanup effort that has focused on downtown, the San Diego River and other hotspots for illegal dumping will be expanded with more crews responding to requests to remove trash and debris through the Citys Get It Done application.

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The City of San Diego offers a one-stop service for passport applicants. Appointments and walk-in hours are available:

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Lion dancers entertained City Council members and visitors during a public meeting in 2015. Watch more of our favorite memories from the past 20 years:

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CleanSD is a citywide initiative launched by MayorKevin Faulconerin 2017. Each week, City crews are working to keep our neighborhoods clean. Over the past year, more than 1,042 tons of trash and waste were removed.

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In October 2011, the Occupy San Diego movement shut down a City Council meeting. Were taking a look back at some memorable moments from the past 20 years on CityTV:

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Featured during Mayor Kevin Faulconer's 2018 State of the City address at the Balboa Theatre. Five residents of San Diego describe how City of San Diego programs have impacted their lives.

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Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer along with City Councilmembers Scott Sherman and Lorie Zapf open the largest skate park in San Diego County and one of the biggest in the state. With community members, professional skateboarders and representatives from the Tony Hawk Foundation Mayor Faulconer and the…

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