Inside San Diego

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News & information from the City of San Diego

Inside San Diego Articles by Archive Month

san carlos library

The City of San Diego’s Department of Real Estate and Airport Management has purchased the parking lot located at the cross sections of Golfcrest Drive and Jackson Drive, immediately adjacent to the current San Carlos Branch Library, in a major step in the process of finally constructing a new…

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In the weeks leading up to Unsafe Camping Ordinance enforcement, which began last week, outreach teams worked hard to…

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person in a lab working on solar panels

Furthering Mayor Todd Gloria’s efforts to cut red tape and streamline permitting processes, City of San Diego residents can now apply online and instantly receive permits for residential solar and battery storage projects.

The City’s Development Services Department (DSD) has launched a new…

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affordable housing

The majority of my Housing Action Package 2.0 was approved unanimously by the San Diego Planning Commission and will now head to the Land Use and Housing Committee then the full City Council for the final vote this fall.  

If approved, these pro-housing policy reforms will help put a…

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calling 988 for mental health help

Two years ago, San Diego was proud to support Assembly Bill 988. Authored by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, the bill was signed into law and helped ensure that Californians had early access to…

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stop9 antisemitism

Twice in July, and with multiple antisemitic incidents happening recently around our county, we have seen the Jewish community under attack from unknown bigots fliering in District 7 in San Carlos, Del Cerro, and Allied Gardens.

This is a threat to our peace as a community and I am…

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career online high school graduates walking down an aisle, surrounded by cheering people

With a goal of providing access to opportunities and successful careers, the City of San Diego Public Library (SDPL) is celebrating the Career Online High School classes of 2022 and 2023 with a ceremony at the Downtown 

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computer screen

Digital services are about people. By taking a human-centered approach as we implement technology, the City of San Diego can make our customers’ and employees’ lives easier. 

Historically, the City has had fragmented technology and processes that created inconsistent customer and…

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In my regular check-ins with our San Diego Fire Department and San Diego Police Department, one topic almost always comes up: illicit fentanyl. 

This poison is posing serious danger to our communities, killing hundreds of San Diegans each year.  

It is a deadly…

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Kensington Streetlamps

The City is busy replacing outdated lampposts in Kensington with new streetlights that are safer, more efficient and more reliable.

The poles of the existing antique streetlights are painted with lead-based paint, and the antique lights depend on an old circuitry system that is…

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