Inside San Diego

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News & information from the City of San Diego

Inside San Diego Articles by Archive Month

puddle of water with text over it with the city of san diego logo and Evacuation warning lifted

Today, the City of San Diego lifted the evacuation warning that was issued to prepare residents in flood-prone areas for a potential evacuation order due to heavy rain forecasted for Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 5 and 6. The…

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Homeless shelter cots

In anticipation of heavy rain expected this evening and into tomorrow, the City of San Diego has temporarily relocated people staying at the 20th and B Safe Sleeping site to Golden Hall located in the City Concourse. The move was done out of an abundance of caution, with up to two inches of rain…

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Rainy street

Ahead of another wet winter storm that is expected to bring an additional two to two-and-a-half inches…

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Local Assistance Center

This weekend the City of San Diego opened a Local Assistance Center for residents…

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ramada inn midway district storm relief

With additional major winter rainstorms reaching San Diego this week, Mayor Todd Gloria, City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera and San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) President and CEO Lisa Jones announced today that a recently acquired SDHC property will provide short-term emergency shelter…

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puddle of water with text over it with the city of san diego logo and Evacuation warning lifted

Today the City of San Diego has lifted the evacuation warning that was issued to warn residents in flood-prone areas of a potential evacuation order due to heavy rain forecasted for yesterday, Thursday, Feb. 1. The warning was issued to residents who live in flood-prone areas in Southcrest,…

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A glass building located at the corner of a street surrounded by people walking on the sidewalk and parked cars

In an effort to create much-needed affordable homes, the City of San Diego is looking for an individual or organization to purchase, redevelop and operate a City-owned building in Downtown as 100% affordable multi-family rental housing.

Today, the City issued a …

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Mayor Todd Gloria updated the public Thursday evening on the impacts of Feb. 1's rainfall, ongoing efforts to recover from last week’s storm and how the region is preparing for a new storm expected to hit the region on Monday. 

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san diego storm evacuation warning

The City of San Diego today has issued an evacuation warning to residents living in areas prone to flooding in the Chollas Creek watershed, including neighborhoods devastated by flood waters during last week’s storm. The warning comes in advance of significant rainfall expected to arrive…

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storm donations needed

The City of San Diego and Mayor Todd Gloria are grateful to all San Diegans who are stepping up to help their neighbors get through this extreme weather.

Please join the call to action by dropping off much-needed donations at four locations this weekend. 

We are accepting…

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