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Fire-Rescue Department NEW

CERT San Diego

One Team, One Mission: CERT San Diego

How It Began

How It Began

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training curriculum became part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1993, and FEMA makes it available to communities across the United States and internationally. CERT’s origins, however, began in 1985 in the city of Los Angeles. Several Los Angeles fire officials traveled to Japan to how they respond to the thousands of earthquakes the country faces each year.  The U.S visitors learned that the communities played an important role in both the response and recovery phases of post-disaster efforts. When the 8.1 Mexico City Earthquake struck later that same year, Los Angeles fire officials saw how people in the impacted communities became first responders to immediately help free trapped victims. From these two experiences, the Los Angeles Fire Department created the first CERT pilot program.

CERT came to San Diego after the devastating Cedar Fire of October 2003. City leadership sought ways to improve community preparedness and resiliency, and in April 2004, San Diego City Council passed a resolution that provided CERT training free of charge to our community. CERT San Diego’s graduated its first academy later that year, welcoming more than 25 members. Over the past 20 years, San Diego City has experienced growth, change, success, and challenges, and continue to evolve. Likewise, CERT nationally and in San Diego has grown and evolved.

How It's Going

How It's Going

CERT San Diego trains and empower citizens in disaster preparedness to help themselves, their families, their business, and their communities in the aftermath of a large or ongoing disaster.  On average, two free CERT Basic Academies are delivered each calendar year.  Training is hosted at a San Diego Fire-Rescue Department facility and delivered by professional first responders and subject matter experts (SMEs).  

A CERT Basic Academy is a 20-hour training course that teaches classroom and hands-on skills in disaster preparedness, small fire suppression, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, team organization, and terrorism.  In addition to the traditional all-in-person academy, CERT San Diego offers a Hybrid Academy that combines online and in-person learning.  

So far, CERT San Diego has trained over 2,400 community members and has an academy waitlist of more than 325.  To learn more about dates, times, and locations of upcoming academies.

After graduating from our academy, those who live in the city of San Diego can continue their preparedness journey and become an active CERT San Diego team member.  This involves further training, community outreach, opportunities to participate in drills with SDFD specialty teams, supporting disaster responses in other parts of San Diego County under the CERT Mutual Aid Plan (CERT MAP), and the chance to be activated to support the City of San Diego during declared disasters.  Active team members receive invites to participate in FEMA trainings, webinars, and national conferences.

Around San Diego

Around San Diego

The City of San Diego covers 342.5 square miles and runs nearly 40 miles north from the border of Mexico.  It’s the 8th largest city in the United States and is the 2nd largest city in California.  San Diego is home to several military facilities, manufacturers, colleges and universities, and international trade hubs.  Shorelines that include bays, lagoons, and the Pacific Ocean, run more than 93 miles.  Much of the city sits on mesas intersected by canyons, and ranges from sea level up to 1,600 feet in elevation.  As a popular tourist destination, San Diego’s population greatly fluctuates throughout the year.  And our neighborhoods are diverse with each having unique strengths and weaknesses.

One CERT San Diego’s major strengths is our members (over 100 currently active) come from across our city.  They work together to help their neighbor across the street and their neighbor 40 miles away.  The strength of a spread-out footprint is not every area is impacted at the same time or in the same way, making us able to respond and assist in any large-scale disaster.

Who Can Join

Who Can Join

CERT San Diego requires academy participants to be at least 18 years of age.  Above that, all ages and abilities are welcome.  Information is delivered via powerpoint, lectures, and hands-on skills practice.   Every effort is made to provide accommodations requested in advance of the start of an academy.

Preparedness looks different for every group, person, and family.  Joining the CERT San Diego team after graduation may not be the right fit for you.  However, following a major event, CERT academy graduates are empowered with knowledge to safely and effectively assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.  Being prepared is how anyone can contribute to the safety and resiliency of our community during and after a major disaster.

Photo Gallery

  • CERT volunteers at a training session
  • CERT volunteers setting up a booth for a public event at a park
  • CERT volunteers practicing how to apply an arm splint
  • CERT volunteer giving away swag in a booth at a park
  • A CERT presentation by Fire-Rescue staff at a public library.
  • Two CERT members proudly wearing the CERT t-shirt at a presentation
  • People visiting a CERT booth at a public event
  • A family attending a CERT event at a park
  • CERT volunteers reviewing training manuals
  • CERT volunteers being trained on how to transport an injured person